HOPE OF A NATION By Jims Marchang I am neither a historian nor - TopicsExpress


HOPE OF A NATION By Jims Marchang I am neither a historian nor an economist, but fully understand as much as anyone who has a big dream with a great hope for a great nation. Many seem to understand, but they don’t. Many seem to even give their lives, but in vain. Many seem to stand for our society, but have no deep integrity and truth. Many seem to even love the society; but sadly, everyone is carried away by the waves of corruption. Many seem to work hard, but to fill their pocket and fulfil their unfinished selfish dreams. There cannot be a king without a kingdom; neither can there be a kingdom without a king. Our Naga society is rich in culture and is a nation with diverse dialogues and tradition; separated by wild mountains all across the NE India. America is a nation build by the immigrants, but a nation with highest dignity and integrity. But Why and How: are the questions that should run in the minds of our society. In terms of culture, tradition and dialogues, America is richer than the diversity of our Naga society. Our diversity is too narrow comparing to that of their diversity, but they are the country with the highest sense of oneness in the world. Now the time has come to see an amicable solution for the Naga society as a whole. The time has come to look forward to join together and work for the common cause of the whole Naga society for greater pursuit and face greater challenges. To make our society strong we should not forget the history of great nations. They also shed their blood to free themselves from the clutches of the eagle claws. The culture and carefree life this generation enjoyed were ones the dream of their forefathers. This generation value the tears, and the multitude of blood-sheds and the price that was paid to make them a freeman. Why do you think the British ruled Indian with ease? Because – we were busy fighting among ourselves. Let us not repeat the same mistake again. Histories are gone, but our enemy smiles and wait looking for an opportunity to pounce on us. It is not easy, but we all have to come together, if we dream for a peaceful and strong nation for our future generation. We have to take away our differences and learn to stand together as one in times of hardship and in the hour of difficulties such as this. If we don’t act, no one will stand or sweep our house or mob our floor unless profit or loss policy is induced. We seem to have forgotten how our parents invested themselves to give us better future. If we don’t stand, who will stand? If we don’t speak, who will speak? Firstly, we all must a sense of oneness as a single community and look at the common culture rather than the differences. Let us not make language a barrier, Oh! This was a curse of the tower of Babel. In the pursuit of greater cause, let our generation forget the mistakes and unforgiving spirit of our parents. No one is perfect. If you don’t forgive today, you might not be forgiven tomorrow. All this is possible in the love of Christ and Christ alone. Let us all come together during celebration and never forget each other in tragedy. Unless we look forward with a common vision for our society, we cannot withstand errs and faults that will come along the way. Now we blame this Government and that Government. Have we ever thought how we will run, if we have our own? A person who in not faithful, to his family, can never be faithful in running his society. Honestly speaking, I have never come across a man in India, who performs his duty with honesty, dignity and integrity without “delay” for an unknown and unrelated person. (Am I saying too much?). Such person definitely will be there in India also, but unfortunately I have not seen one. [In general] In a nation of great society 05.5PM means 05.5PM. If an appointment is taken, you will find him waiting for you, even if you are caught in a traffic jam. When they see you lost, they will help you, as if you were their childhood friend. If your need are vital and urgent, they will sacrifice even their own food. It’s not a lie, I have seen with my eyes. The city councillor might be sitting next to you, but will never feel uncomfortable or in fact you will never know what he is until you ask him. If attacked, run to the police they will dare to protect you and risk their life to save you. If you drive in a wrong lane or drive without seat belt or park your car at the wrong place, you have to pay the fine even though you may be the President. If they found you are corrupt, and become a threat to national security, you will be arrested and prosecute, despite of your position. The duty call is respected and regarded beyond their personal affairs. Despite of the colour, race, economic status, and believe; your rights are protected beyond you can imagine. They don’t wait for the Government to give job, but find a way out to be useful the best way they can and in fact the Government makes sure that the citizen gets all the basic facilities even to the extent of providing housing, food and medical care. Let me bring some points why America will continue to be a country of great nation. If possible let us learn from this people how they shape their country with such enormous power. Firstly, the constitution: In America, the people rule, not kings or emperors or unchangeable tradition. The constitution is made by the people and for the people, but no one is above the constitution. They don’t bend the constitution to fit in their evil ways, like we do in India. Secondly, right to vote and the power of the vote: voting is a way of having a say in the political climate. Debating candidates over important issues will be observed, listened and elect them. They all know that their vote can change the government. They don’t sell their vote with a kilogram of pork like our society. Thirdly, military: The freedom of the country is guarded with all possible means 24/7 from external threads. They don’t compromise like we do. Fourthly, faith: “... adore the invisible hand which conducts the affairs of men, more than the people of the United States” – George Washington. They stamped on the money and say, “in God we trust”, but we say, “in money we trust”. Fifthly, Patriotism: President Lincoln taught the people of America that a nation divided cannot survive and a true patriot is one who loves, supports, and defends one’s country. They give their lives to protect their country, but we sell our country by bringing more division and confusion. Sixthly, Education: “Education, beyond all other devices of human origin, is a great equalizer of conditions of men – the balance wheel of the social machinery” – Horace Mann. They invest to provide the best facilities and amenities for scientific research and development, but in our society officials are busy building their houses and busy feeding their children with the public funds received for educational and development purpose. Last but not the least, Giving: In giving we make the poor rich. Acts of kindness plays one of the biggest roles in equalizing the poor and the needy with the rich and plenty. 100 millionaires can change the lives of million people. And this legacy of giving never ends with these great nations. They give and make other rich, but in our society our officials are busy sucking the blood and sweat of the poor to make more money. We have just started the journey. The good work that has begun should not be wiped out. We have seen what make these nations great. It’s time to act. Jims Marchang, PhD Student. Centre for Security, Communications and Network Research (CSCAN) School of Computing and Mathematics, Plymouth University, United Kingdom.
Posted on: Sun, 15 Sep 2013 13:33:46 +0000

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