HOUSE GOP TO POOR AND SICK-THE ECONOMY IS WORTH CRASHING TO KEEP YOU POOR AND SICK: Posted by: James Schlarmann in Op-Ed, TEApublican Smack Downs 18 hours ago I’ve been trying really hard lately not to just to outright demagogue, but I’ve just about had it with the House Republicans (or maybe I’ve long past that point of no return), and I’m just so sickened by their depraved indifference to humanity that I can’t help myself. That being said, I think I can tell you all about this latest disgusting display without even careening once into the realm of hyperbolic demagoguery. I say this with all seriousness, even as someone who perhaps mistakenly classifies themselves as a political humorist: The Republican Party would rather crash the entire world’s economy than see uninsured people get health coverage. Again, let me reiterate, that is not hyperbole, that is the easily extrapolated message of the House Republicans’ idiotic idea to hold the debt ceiling hostage — again – this time over the funding of Obamacare. About a week and a half ago, President Obama spoke out about the Republicans’ sycophantic obsession with killing the Affordable Care Act. The right-wing in this country scoffed and brought out the “divisive” card — which completely broke my irony meter. Me personally? I feel like the party that would rather hold the full faith and credit of the United States of America, impacting every single American whether Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Socialist, Anarchist, Buddhist, what have you…is the real divisive party. Although if they keep it up they’ll unite the country and indeed the world in their loathing for this bunch of jackals. I’m not even going to drop a single quote from those sociopaths in here because it honestly doesn’t matter what they say. House Republicans have a dangerous level of willful ignorance about the debt ceiling. The debt ceiling has nothing to do with further government spending. All it does is authorize us to keep paying the bills that many of those Republicans racked up while doing whatever the Cheney Administration asked them to do. If we do not raise the debt ceiling — as we have done dozens of times in the past for presidents on both sides of the aisle — the world’s economy will tank and tank hard. We already took one big hit to our sterling credit rating, and now these clowns in taxpayer-funded suits are trying to do it again. Our debt actually fuels the world’s economy in a major way. Lenders are still lining up around the block to hand us more money at very cheap rates because traditionally, we’ve been damn good about paying our bills. For some reason, the “fiscally responsible” party is now all about being fiscal deadbeats, and they’re preparing another attempt to dine and dash, as it were, on our national debt. It’s shameful. It’s embarrassing, and it’s extremely dangerous. But perhaps the worst element of this latest idiotic move is the underlying motivation for it — killing Obamacare and rolling back all the good things it’s already done for millions of Americans because they deep down it’s not that they don’t like government, that’s a massive misnomer if ever there was one. They love government, and they really love big government, but only when they’re the ones in charge of it. We all know by now that Obamacare is essentially a conservative think tank originated idea. The mandate that the GOP is so thoroughly scared of? They built that. Years before Obama was even in politics they came up with that idea. Bob Dole touted it in the Senate as their side’s counter-proposal to the failed Clinton Administration health reform push. This is all so thinly veiled and the sad part is there are still many millions of Americans who can’t see through the smoke and mirrors. I’m not in favor of an autocratic society, but if the GOP is going to try and hold the debt ceiling hostage again, I genuinely believe President Obama should act accordingly and issue an executive order to the Treasury Department, leaning heavily on the 14th Amendment’s solemn pledge to continue paying our debts, and thus cut the Republicans’ legs out from underneath them. We cannot as a society allow heartless, cruel bullies to not only abuse sick and poor people in this country, but to risk a full and complete global economic meltdown because they’re throwing all their toys out of the crib. Obama’s said that he is not negotiating with these legislative hooligans over the Debt Ceiling, and I hope this is one of those times that he really means what he says. He has to break their backs, and an Executive Order will do just that. Hopefully enough moderates will see how his hand was forced and will make the most trenchant, intransigent ideologues in the House pay dearly in the 2014 mid-term elections. One thing is certain — the Republican Party has made it very clear that economic recovery is going to happen on their terms — which means making the rich richer and widening the income disparity gap — and their terms only. They are petulant, willfully ignorant buffoons and this latest attempt to play with fire is just one more example of it. As much as I’d love to advise the president to tell them to go eff themselves, I can’t. There are far too many people’s lives and livelihoods hanging in the balance for us to allow them to see the devastation that they’d bring. The time is coming soon, America, where we’re going to have to choose between continuing to let the toddlers run with scissors, or if we put them on a time-out again, 1998-style.
Posted on: Sat, 24 Aug 2013 07:07:45 +0000

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