HOW ON EARTH DID WE END UP CHOOSING THESE MALE AND FEMALE PF THUGS TO LEAD US? Rowdy Jean Kapata and Geoffrey Chumbwe in near punch-up... POLICE officers on Saturday intervened to stop a near punch-up between community development deputy minister Jean Kapata and Lusaka Province PF chairman Geoffrey Chumbwe at the party district elections. And Goodson Banda, at the last minute, pulled out of the race for Lusaka district chairmanship against Lusaka deputy mayor Mulenga Sata, claiming that thugs had hijacked the election process. Kapata and home affairs minister Dr Ngosa Simbyakula were among senior party officials who were screening delegates arriving to cast their votes at the Mulungushi International Conference Centre. However, some PF youths were seen roughing up fellow delegates whom they said were not on the voters register. Seeing the confusion, Chumbwe, who arrived at the venue around 14:30 hours, charged at the police, asking them why they were allowing some delegates to be sent away without his authority. Why are you allowing cadres to chase people? Who has authorised that? Excuse me, I am here now; dont send away anyone without my authority, he said. Chumbwe then turned to Kapata and asked her what role she was playing in screening delegates. Why should the minister be here? Why are you allowing thugs to harass officials like this? But Kapata accused Chumbwe of bringing confusion to the event. Where were you all this time when cadres went into the conference centre? You want to come here and threaten me? I am not afraid of you; just go, Kapata said amid pulling and pushing among the cadres and police. At this point, Chumbwe said he was going to cancel the election, much to the annoyance of the cadres, who threatened to beat him up. Some police officers whisked Chumbwe away but the youths accosted him, dragging the provincial chief back and forth as youth chairperson Kennedy Kamba helped rescue him. Meanwhile, Kapata remained yelling at Chumbwe. He thinks he can scare me. Kuti namuuma ne kofi ine so (I can even punch him). I am not afraid of him, she said as other party officials calmed her down. Inside the voting centre, Chumbwe said he was not going to be part of the election. What is wrong is wrong; we cannot change the rules because of intimidation. As far as I am concerned, I am not going to be party to this election where thugs are harassing officials outside. We cant allow thugs in our party; thugs cant run the party. I cant be provincial chairman of a party without order. Why allow non-delegates to come and cause confusion, he said amid angry jeering from the crowd. Shortly afterwards, however, defence minister Edgar Lungu announced that the election would proceed as scheduled. I have consulted with the senior-most among us, the deputy secretary general madam Bridget Atanga, and she has allowed me to tell you that this election will go ahead. There is no one who will stop it unless the President himself says so, Lungu said. Shortly after the announcement, Kapata, chiefs and traditional affairs minister Nkandu Luo and Lusaka Province chairlady Margaret Mumba took to the dance floor, praising President Sata and denouncing Banda, calling him a coward. The situation became uncontrollable when Kapata asked the crowd to join her in chorusing; Ci Banda, twalikwebele; fitala fyobe wamona nomba wailetelela (Banda, we told you not to contest; your arrogance has now cost you). Later, Lungu, Chumbwe and Mulenga emerged from the holding room after a closed-door meeting, where they resolved to proceed with elections. There were issues between the two camps. We have discussed and we are going to vote constituency by constituency. Observers, please go upstairs. We want transparent elections; we are one family, Lungu said to the delight of delegates. When Banda was called to speak, he claimed that the election was marred with intimidation of voters. I thought this is a democratic process but Mandevu delegates have been barred, Chawama, they are not here; they have gone back. So I think for me, I want to be democratic and follow the rules in the way we conduct ourselves. If our contribution to the party is bulldozed without giving us the right to participate at this moment, I want to announce that I cant participate in these elections..., Banda said as cadres rushed to lift Mulenga as an unopposed candidate. Dr Simbyakula said elections would go ahead nonetheless. Addressing the officials, Mulenga called for unity and focus among party members. Lets re-galvanise the spirit that got us into power. This election has been a trial run of whats to come in 2016. Those that opposed us, lets work together. We are one family, said Mulenga. Dr Simbyakula later announced that Mulenga had polled 207 while Banda got 2 votes.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 08:26:04 +0000

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