Hair Care : Do It Yourself Hair Protein Pack by SONIA Your - TopicsExpress


Hair Care : Do It Yourself Hair Protein Pack by SONIA Your hair is approximately 91 percent protein, and is made up of long chains of amino acids.Harsh chemical treatments, exposure to sun, pollution and lack of proper care can lead to the breaking up of these chains resulting in brittle and dull hair. Since the hair is made up of protein it makes sense to feed it protein to revert it back to its former beauty.Salons offer a number of hair treatments and you can even purchase hair packs and masks, but honestly they are expensive for something that you can do at home yourself at one-fourth the cost.The packs available in the market are basically glorified hair conditioners having some form of protein,oil and esters apart from a host of other chemicals. So you know the hair is made of protein, Keratin to be exact, consisting of amino acid.These keratin amino acids are negatively charged which make hair frizzy.To counteract this, conditioners are composed of positively charged molecules called cationic surfactants.So when the positive and negative charge come together they neutralize each other and combine to form molecules that coat the hair, making them sleek and less frizzy. You can easily dupe the behaviour of these conditioners to make your own protein hair pack treatment. The Ingredients for the Hair Protein Pack Eggs Egg yolks have high content of Vitamin A,D,E and some B group vitamins also.Vitamins help to maintain the building blocks of hair. Vitamin A helps the scalp to produce more sebum(body’s natural oil) and prevents hair loss.While Vitamin D stimulates hair growth.Vitamin E and B work hand in hand to increase oxygen absorption and improve blood circulation. Egg Yolks are also rich sources of Essential Fatty Acids which make hair shiny and manageable.Fatty acids directly work on the skin structure and are proven to prevent dandruff, hair loss and dry scalp. Egg white are proteins in disguise and work to repair and nourish the hair from within. Olive Oil Excessive use of chemicals and shampoos may result in the stripping of the natural oils from the scalp making hair prone to dryness,flakiness and dandruff. Using oil externally helps to maintain the oil balance of the scalp and olive oil is best suited for the purpose.It is light weight and gets absorbed quickly which makes it ideal for hair treatments.Olive oil is an excellent conditioner and is the perfect solution for dry, damaged and frizzy hair. Yogurt It is high in proteins and great for a protein pack.It is a popular remedy for dandruff because it is a good cleanser working to unclog pores of scalp and getting rid of dandruff.Yougurt is also naturally rich in lactic acid which coat the hair to make it smooth and tangle free. Honey. Honey is my absolute favourite ingredient in the whole wide world.It can be used for practically anything(including licking it off the spoon).It is popular because of it humectants properties(attracts water making it an ideal moisturizer) which makes it a godsend for dry and damaged hair.However because of it stickiness it should be either diluted in water or used in a hair pack, which is exactly what we are going to do.And the great thing about honey is that it suits all hair types. Flat Beer. This is optional, but if you have an oily scalp I would advice you to use this.Beer adds bounce and shine to your hair and is not mixed with the pack but used as a last rinse and also helps combat oiliness of the scalp.If you do not have beer you can substitute it with synthetic vinegar. Now onto the hair protein pack. What you need : 2 eggs 1/2 cup olive oil 1/2 cup hung curd 1/2 cup honey 1/2 cup flat beer/synthetic vinegar mixed in 1 cup water Get to work : Start by beating the eggs in a blender. Once it is frothy add oil and blend it to get a creamy consistency. Add honey and curd and give a final whisk. The pack is ready now. Comb out the kinks in your hair and apply the pack with a brush.Make sure to cover each and every strand.Wrap your hair in aluminum foil.Wear a shower cap on top to prevent any messiness.Let it sit for 30 minutes. Rinse hair in cold water and use a dollop of conditioner to soften hair before shampooing. Shampoo and condition as usual. Use the flat beer/vinegar and water mix as a final rinse to restore shine. Note: The use of egg on hair will make it stiff and prone to breakage so rinse your hair to get the pack out completely and then use conditioner to soften hair and only then shampoo. The above recipe is for medium length hair and can be altered accordingly.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 06:30:06 +0000

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