Happy Birthday Early May God Bless You - TopicsExpress


Happy Birthday Early May God Bless You Daily https://youtube/watch?v=3Dr429dSOUU&list=UUW0Sxk2Wb7u-9yIGaqB7AVg “Please Be Charitable With Patience” My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations. For when we are joyful, we are amongst the kingdom of heaven in every situation. Therefore, lean on the Lord for relief and inspiration to overcome ill conceived occasions. Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. From birth to dying day we endure pain with grace regardless as to where we are stationed. Leave this place of self pity and lead the defeat to every tribulation. But let patience have her perfect work that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. Let Love fulfill her purpose like a comforter or a quilt heats our bodies which are underneath protecting us from the freeze on the breeze during hardship like the flu in the winter season, like dew on the leaves in the spring prevents wilting while signaling the flowering of pupils and earth’s nurturing. Like the igloo or the den we must stay in our place until God paves a way with the sound of the songbirds we are safe like a bear in a cave during hibernation. Who striveth with his maker? Shall the clay say to Him who fashioned, what doest thou make? He made the day and the night, the home run and the strike, the pastries and the pastry chief called the baker. He made Michael Phelps swim and Michael Jordan leap above the basketball rim. He made touchdowns and slam dunks and many other creative ways to have fun. Woe unto fakes who pretend to make friends under the pretense of malicious entertainment. Woe unto them who pretend like a wolf who rolls in deer feces just to get close enough to sink his teeth into the throat of its next victim forcing psychological exhaustion from false doctrine indoctrination potentially proceeding to physiological suffering from forced physical subjugation. Charity suffereth long and is kind; I am hers and she is mine. Hours and days to decades and generations have passed by as we have spent time praying about how to make the most out of variables we cannot control. Love is letting go and allowing the tears run down the eyes knowing that time eases the bye and bye. My flesh is on earth and my heart’s in the sky knowing when this body decays our spirits will fly unto our proper places in the many mansions that Jesus makes for His children faithful to his side. Charity envieth not; On the contrary Charity provides generously, not merely tithe, donations and offering, rather Charity lends to men and women reputations rather than copyright infringement or plagiarism. In the pool we say no dunking for fear of someone drowning, how many religious leaders have died spiritually due to punking and clowning? Charity does the opposite of envy, how can I hate when it is obligatory to pray for my enemy. If I am obligated to focus my thoughts into sentences that please the Lord, than I cannot utter a single envious word. Charity vaunteth not itself, It does not brag about something that it had or has and someone else has not. Charity doesn’t need to have more than its next door neighbor to be happy. Charity thinks like starving people who split the rations equally, thinking simultaneously where you go I am going with you and our corpses will show our unity while our spirits proceed to heaven’s pearly gates with pearly white teeth because in death we are freed from all earthly afflictions like cancer and cavities and HIV. Charity is not puffed up, It is like I got your back son, you can stand on my shoulders to be the next number one. You can be my guide and I can be your people says the guide book writer to the people unseen who help leaders to lead and lean on something stronger at bolstering than a psychiatrist reverend with a doctorate in both studies because the path to heaven is in a one on one relationship. The titanic was the best engineering of its time, but it was human error who sank the ship. No matter how fast I deliver the wisdom which comes out of my throat or insightfully delightfully smooth I deliver this flow, know I am not above mistakes or too snobbish for courteous and never contentious reproach. James 1:2-4; Isaiah 45:9; Isaiah 5:18-19; 1 Corinthians 13:4 Copyright © 12/21/2014 James Roy Sebastian Armstrong
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 01:10:02 +0000

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