Happy Stark Family reunion? It been brought up before....will - TopicsExpress


Happy Stark Family reunion? It been brought up before....will the Starks kids ever meet each other again...ever? Well heres my 2 cents: The story starts out at Winterfell...where most of the storys characters assemble in one place. After that GRRM lets them spread out over the known world to have their own adventures. When they convene in one point again( and they will.. GRRM word of truth) ...they will all have changed a lot from the people they were at the beginning. Bran- helpless little boy -> Powerfull Greenseer with the Old Gods on his side. Could turn out good or evil, depending on what The Old Gods/Bloodraven have planned for him and the realm. Arya- sullen little Girl- > Ruthless killer with a heart full of hate and thirst for vengeance. She could also end on the side of darkness, so much hate in a young person is poison. The others might not even recognise her when they meet her again. Untill its too late for one of them. Sansa- Happy dreamer-> Broken girl with slight schizo tendencies. She tries to forget she is a Stark at all. She might help the weak...but wont easily chose to act. Maybe as a last desperate measure. Jon- brooding youth-> Lord Commander or un-Jon creature/ Azor Ahai reborn. If he is dead too long before resurrected, he might lose most of his memories and personality. As Un-Cat he will probably focus on what he last meant to do. And without mercy. Any who stand in his way could find themselves eliminated. Maybe even family if he doesnt recognise them in time. Un-Cat- Loving mother and wife -> Angel of death for anything Frey/ Bolton/ Lannister. How she will have another part to play is hard to say at this point. I actually hope none of her children will see her like this. If anyone does, its probably Arya ...who then performs a mercy-killing on her. Rickon- Cute 3 year Old -> Angry, slightly mad child whose warg power might be stronger than most of the rest since he bonded with his Direwolf when he was still so little. When older, a person will have more of a line between the wolf and their own self. With Rickon he is truly one with Shaggydog. Maybe even more wolf than child. It all depends on how the people of Skagos treat him and if they can teach him to control his power. He is angry...but at that age memory is very fleeting. after the 3 years he has been away from his family...he might have forgotten what they look like at all. This could also cause problems later. Ned, Robert, Joffrey and Robb are dead, but the others that were also there have changed as well. Theon- Cocky youth who thinks mostly of himself and nowt for others-> Reek-ified and broken...but from that ruin there springs a man that risks even more torture for himself to save another. Against all hope. He might die...or live. But he has redeemed himself a lot with that last act. Before Winterfell was taken by Ramsay, he wanted to take the Black ...and atone for his crimes. Sadly, a harder way was laid out before him. Jaime- Arrogant and cold, devoid of empathy or feeling- > The only figure we can hope to be somewhat of a hero at this point. He has left darkness behind and tries to find his lost honour and wits again after hiding deep in himself for so long. As we learn from his chapters he used to be a lad who cared for others...he wanted to help Rhaella amongst other things, but was held back by the other Kingsguard. Their vow is to protect the king, ...but who protects the queen from the king? The white cloak and Cersei and Kingslanding soiled him. he together with Theon are alone not filled with hate...and vengeance doesnt guide him. Tyrion- Untroubled, witty and lustfull -> A man cast out from his family and the realm who now lives to see Cersei dead. And most of his family if he can... Who would enter in any allegiance if he can get to his sister and Jaime. He is a true joker in the pack. The Hound- in service to Joff because he had little other choice, a barrel of hatred for his brother-> Sandor Clegane/ The Gravedigger. The Hound is dead, but his anger against his brother will probably never die completely. He is rumored to be on the Quiet Isle...and has joined the ranks of the Faith in some way. They could call on him to fight un-Gregor/ Ser Robert Strong in Cerseis trial. His may be the hands that squeeze the life out of Cersei. Him being the valonquar...or little brother to Gregor. Cerseis prophesy never states it should be HER little brother that kills her. If the prophesy is true...Tommen and Myrcella will both wear crowns and after that shrouds. Like their brother Joffrey. They will both have no great part to play...Im pretty sure they are doomed. After their death Cersei will go truly mad and try and burn Kingslanding to the ground. Like her father (?) tried to do before her. Some forshadowing is seen when she burns the Tower of the Hand with Wildfire. Jaime will stop her and Gregor will kill her. It will be all sorts of dramatic , thats for sure. Hodor-> HODOR And we all hope Nymeria will join the gang again. She has been gathering a large pack of wolves to herself. I think they will play a large part in events yet to come. In any event, all major players will face each other again in an Epic battle of Epicness as only George can give us. But some good will be dark and some dark will be light. I think they might meet in battle and not know that it is family they are fighting. Untill its too late. Its up to them if they can let go of their anger and wish for vengeance ...and embrace each other again. After such a childhood, I think it will be very hard on some. The powers that have enlisted these wayward souls will not easily give up their hold on them...since they seek only to be the dominant force in the world, and care nothing for the champions that fight for them. I hope for their sakes that their heart is not so poisoned with darkness that they wont see what is really in front of them. A Bittersweet ending awaits us.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 19:25:05 +0000

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