Harbinger of Spring Its not quite spring, but, The weather is so - TopicsExpress


Harbinger of Spring Its not quite spring, but, The weather is so delightful, The wind slightly compressed, The sun warmly insightful. Fine feathers all came singing, In their variously warm vibratos, They sang praises to the morning, And oh so many sweet cantatas. And leading in their song fest, Came an early robin red breast, As the warm delicious sun rose, Turtle doves joined with the rest. On a day of wondrous beauty, Natures own choir on special duty, Singing songs to the morning, All fine feathers happily sojourning. Its not quite spring I know it, And the calendar does not show it, But Mother Nature does not care, This is a day she wants to share. Soon spring will come back to us, The bees will began their gather, Flowers a bloom fragrantly alluring, All the birds will be in fine feather. This day is but a harbinger, Of things that are soon to be, Bees and robins and roses, Spring will come youll see.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 02:40:04 +0000

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