Heart family for almost 2 years we have let you in our life, - TopicsExpress


Heart family for almost 2 years we have let you in our life, shared our stories, shared our thoughts and shared our heart. We have came together in prayer, in happiness, and in hard times. We have came together for one cause, one life, one heart and for one little boy named Camilo. So today on the eve of Camilos 1 year anniversary of his emergency open heart surgery we share this with you. Last Year, on October 6th, we came together and prayed for our sweet Camilo. That day my Facebook post was simple and short. I said please pray for Camilo he is going to have an Emergency open heart surgery, he is having trouble breathing. I didnt get into too much detail because I couldnt bear to repeat the words that were said to me prior to that surgery. I didnt want to say exactly what was going on in that room. I didnt want any of it to be real and I didnt want any of those words coming out of my mouth. How could I say all this to our Heart Family? I was hurting and knew you all would be too. How would we all stay so strong? Today, I share with you what that day was for us. I share this experience to stress exactly how much of a miracle Camilo is. The night before October 6th, 2013, Camilo took a turn for the worse and he began to swell. Throughout the night he had swelled so much his eyes were closed shut. Early that next morning Camilos breathing became labored. It was Sunday and I remember the surgeons assistant came in to do his daily rounds and he looked at him and knew something was wrong, within minutes we had a team of people in our room trying to figure out what was going on because Camilos saturations were dipping. In an instant his oxygen saturation levels dropped to the low 30s and they were manually assisting him with breaths with ambu bag (manual resuscitator) . They immediately called the surgeon and he arrived at the hospital within 15 minutes. Everything was happening so fast. I was being pulled from side to side signing consents for surgery as they were explaining to me that Camilo wasnt getting enough blood flow to his lungs. They then muttered the words no one wants to hear. Call your husband and tell him to come quick. They then told me that we would wait until my husband gets there before they would take Camilo into surgery. What did that all mean? Why did we have to wait? If it was an emergency why wouldnt they just take him back? Why was everyone sitting in silence staring and me and telling me to hold my son? I could feel the big elephant in the room...was our son not going to make it? I sat with the nurse practitioner as she held my hand until my Mike got there. She reassured me that Camilo was strong and to just pray. When my Mike walked in she placed Camilo in our arms and took pictures of us. We cried so hard thinking it may be the last time we held him. They then took him from our hands and hustled him to the operating room. We knew the situation was bad but didnt know it was that extreme until we were informed they were going to perform surgery without a central line. They had no time and they were unable to place a central line in Camilos neck due to Camilo being so unstable. They had to perform surgery quickly since the situation was so dire. When Camilo came out of surgery and the surgeon met us in the waiting room he told us that he widened Camilos SVC to allow more blood flow but his pressures were still high and all we could do now is just pray. Pray we did! We fell to our knees asking God to not take our sweet son. To please heal him, please let him be his testimony. Camilo has brought so many of us together. Many people from around the world, different backgrounds, races and religion. We have united as one to pray for his broken heart. Weve all prayed for the same thing, for healing, for health, for a long life. Camilo has gone through 3 open heart surgeries and all have been tough but this one, the one that happened a year ago was the toughest and thats why we celebrate his life so much today. He is a true miracle. He fought so hard and he never gave up. God, the surgeon, the team of doctors saved him that day. We believe in miracles, we believe in prayer, we believe that all our prayers were heard that day. We are so blessed to have Camilo here with us today. He is here to tell a story, to continue to unite us and to continue to remind us to stay faithful in prayer. We are so happy on how far Camilo has come and we continue to pray he remains strong and healthy! Heart Family, we thank you for being on this journey with us, we thank you for being Camilos #1 fan, we thank you for all your support, we thank you for hearing our story and being here with us as we turn the pages to Camilos Story! #gocamilogo #hlhs #halfaheart #miraclesdohappen #godisgreat. Today I share those pictures that were taken 1 year ago in the hospital room!
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 02:40:05 +0000

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