Hehehehehehe!!!!! I hab ober 1500 wikez!!!! fank youz eberwyone I - TopicsExpress


Hehehehehehe!!!!! I hab ober 1500 wikez!!!! fank youz eberwyone I hopez to catch up to Stawr by Chwistmaz time!!!!! okayzz Iz be feelwing betta no mur sneezing but Stawr iz still bad. Mommy spectz alwergiez cuz she haz da watery eyez an Stawr iz alzo acting wike a smizzy baby (dont tellz Mommy I smaid dat) If anyone doez I will fawtz on youz!! hehehehehe! Oh an dont tell Mommy I smaid dat eider. Well today, dere waz a kitty cat cwying outsmide, it waz Woger. He iz fur weal he iz white wiff a bwack an gway stwiped tale. Mommy smayz he hazza be about smix monthz oldd an he haz a Mommy named Taffy an dey bez wescue catz but Woger waz wocked out ob hiz houze an wanted in but hiz hoomanz werent home. We haz pwetty wightz an a Pissmus twee on our patio an a pwetty Pissmus twee in our apawtment. Mommy bez smick an will be smeeing da doctor tomorwow cuz she iz coughing an haz a bad headache. She bez okay just tired. I sticked my cold beanz in her face cuz I bez hungwy an she gibed me da food an smome weftober woast beef. I fawtzed an made da wordz Merwy Chwistmaz on our wall an Mommy asked where da pwetty Merwy Chwistmaz sticker come fwom! heeeeee !
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 08:43:43 +0000

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