Hello friends, as some of you have already heard, I gave birth to - TopicsExpress


Hello friends, as some of you have already heard, I gave birth to little bundle of joy recently. So heres my homebirth story. This is my second homebirth after three years ago. Just before dusk on Thursday 14th August 2014, my little girl Shamimi started to cry and wanted me to pick her up. She didnt want to walk up the stairs to the top. I was too heavy by this time to carry her. So I told her I couldnt help her and that made her cry louder. i noticed a bit of blood trickling down my legs. I went up to my room ignoring my girls cry. The contraction was coming too strong too. I thought that maybe it was time, I had to fill the pool with water now, I thought. Baby needed to come out. I took the rubber hose and started to fix it to the water heater but it couldnt hold and I had no idea how to get the hose fixed to the water source. My husband was still at work as he had some video editing to do at the office. I messaged him that I was having strong surges and Shamimi was acting up again. My son tried to calm his sister down while I was struggling with the water hose. The pool had already been set up in the room the night before. It was just waiting to be filled. My phone rang and heard my husbands voice on the other end. He said he was coming home now, I was too stressed at this point I said something like I could handle it myself and he was not needed. I was lying of course, and he knew it. He called a good friend who is also our neighbour to come and assist me but I was too embarassed and told him to cancel the plan. Thank god the neighbour didnt make it to witness my irrational behaviour, but the babysitter managed to come and help with the kids. I didnt like it that a stranger was in my house while I was in labour but at least the kids got to eat and bathe. Bless her soul. I managed to fix the rubber hose to the metal hose instead and that helped to get the pool filled. I was in a calmer state now that Shamimi was no longer crying and my son was already in his pajamas. I sat quietly watching the pool and then my husband came in the room, asking if I was ok. I felt relieved knowing he was home safe after my disastrous drama. i said I felt better now but I could still feel blood trickling down, and I wasnt referring to the mucus plug. I told my husband I think that the baby would arrive at dawn. My husband seemed relieved. He told me the babysitter was leaving now, so we both thanked her for coming to the house at such a short notice. my husband put the kids to bed, my son in another room while Shamimi in her baby swing in our room, where the pool was. I told him that it was ok for us to sleep first, and so we did. Until about 4 am I woke up to go to the loo. Did my number 2, which I didnt like to do as I had been constipating. I woke my husband up and asked for a massage. He did the soft touch massage on my neck and back. The surges were stronger but I managed with visualizations. I was on all four on the floor in my most primal position. My husband checked the water temperature and decided to empty it a bit as the water had gone cold overnight. While he was busy doing that, I put on the zen music to keep me focus and calm. Slowing down my breathing made the surges almost painless at this point. I visualised a calm depth of the sea as the strong waves are just on top at the beach. I also visualized seeing a mermaid in the sea. At about 5.25 am I got into the water. Back labour had begun. The warm water made a difference. I held on to the hose, and let the hot water sprayed onto my back. It felt real good. Then the surges went from strong waves to a tsunami force. Visualizations of calmest and mermaids were no longer helping, so i started to breathe down and heavy (as I would on the toilet), it helped for a couple of surges. Later i was no longer countering the force, i felt the urge to push and push. Visualized the blooming flower and kept saying, Now I open, come now little baby, while husband was reciting his own prayer and giving me much love and encouragement. Not sure how long it took me but I remember I was in tears while pushing and I made very loud moaning sound (giving birth makes me feel like an elephant and an Amazon warrior rolled into one). I remember feeling her head in the birth passage, while trying to remind myself not to push too hard, I didnt want to tear. So i waited for the next wave while sending her lots of love, it didnt take long for that one strong wave to come crashing the beach, and at last my baby came to shore. My husband took her out of the water and handed her to my chest. She coughed a bit and started to cry but she was more eager to talk to us. She had a lot to say for a tiny little newborn, both husband and i were elated. He made Qamat prayer immediately to her ears. She was not interested to suck on the breast just yet but she was just staring at us, studying us both. I fell in love with this new being almost immediately. I inspected her and decided she was perfect and said my thank yous to the Lord for this beauty. My son walked in at this time and he was so happy to meet his new sister. My Shamimi who must have been awakened by my pushing and moaning, decided to join us too, to see her newborn sister. She didnt show much excitement but she was smiling. Baby arrived at 6.46am according to hubby. After the meeting of the siblings, my husband took our two kids out of the room. I was prepared to let the placenta out. I noticed the baby sac was hanging out from between my legs, thats when it occured to me that my baby came out with her sac. I decided to deliver the placi in the pool so it wouldnt be too messy. I must had been very tired because I finally pushed the placenta out after two hours. My husband held the baby most of the time. Poor baby was only in a towel as the umbilical cord was pretty short. I remember smiling as i felt the warm placenta gushed out of me. It was perfectly whole. We have planned a lotus birth so we took baby and placi to the loo to be hosed down. It felt good to be clean after being inside of bloodied water for hours. We placed baby and placi on the bed. I powdered the placi with rosemary powder. We later cut the cord after about 20hours because my husband had a nightmare regarding the practice. I was disappointed but complied. As lovely as my homebirth is to many, I do not encourage unassisted birth on mothers who would want to experience this without proper unlearning (yes unlearning of ALL the modern doctors education). Do not attempt homebirth unless you are truly confident and aware of your body and are truly free from fear ( i did countless meditations to allay fear, because fear is the main cause of birth complications). So attending an independent birthing class and reading up on natural physiological births are crucial in re-programming your brains on how safe birthing truly is.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 06:13:17 +0000

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