Hello #peoples from C.R.S.A please pray for the families and - TopicsExpress


Hello #peoples from C.R.S.A please pray for the families and household and church - #pray for strength peace joy and bread of life thy Lord is calling your name . Heaven knows your name and pray for strength peace and joy . Thy lord said you will receive an bread of life called you . What ever circumstances you having God will fix your families problems and jobs leaderships churches ministries . Declare to remove the strongholds and bondage shackles . Decree to be in the spirit to lift the peoples of joy and peace . Thy Lord knows we are going to be in prophetic impartation to see what the spirit will Carries joyful loveable to love others and pray for one another . Dont be in fear what thy lord doing for his peoples from the nations biblical phonology to believe the word of truth and God said bring the biblical chronological to receive meetings etc please pray for the leadership of government agencies to be in order for the vehemently on this earth .Amen Wow , you preach tremendously messaging today .title havens knows your name. Thy lord said bread of life is calling you . Thy lord said pray for strength peace and joy . Declare the peace into your life and receive joy . Decree the spirit will put you in high level of dimension to see the manifestation of love . Declare to remove the strongholds bondage shackles . Thy Lord knows you will declare remove the prison from their instincts through their circumstances surrounding areas of C.R.S.A Richmond county USA . Summary: The hurts, pressures, and disappointments of this life can weigh down your heart. Come see how the peace of God can bring you back to great emotional victory. Explanatory note: This is not so much a “sermon”, but more a devotional study of the powerful inner healing available from what the Scriptures call the “peace of God”. It is my hope that these verses will bring refreshing to your soul. Judges 6:23-24 But the LORD said to him, “Peace! Do not be afraid. You are not going to die.” So Gideon built an altar to the LORD there and called it The LORD is Peace. •• “Jehovah-Shalom” — the Lord is Peace. Gideon was fearful of imminent death. But the Lord’s immediate and encouraging reply was, “Peace! ... You are not going to die.” •• In the place of fear, even fear of death, Gideon experienced the peace of God, a peace that proceeded from God’s very Person. •• If you are at a point in your life where fear is gripping you, be still for a moment and hear God’s assurance to you: “Peace! Do not be afraid,” says Jehovah-Shalom. Psalm 4:8 I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety. •• Insomnia troubles millions of people. Sometimes there is a biological or medical cause, which needs physical healing. At other times, the restless sleep or even lack of sleep comes from inner mental or emotional turmoil. That condition can be wonderfully overcome by embracing the peace of God. • Notice the underlying cause of the Psalmist’s ability to sleep in peace: he trusted entirely in the Lord’s protection — “...for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.” • As you prepare for sleep, I encourage you each night to pray that portion of the Lord’s Prayer that says, “Our Father in heaven ... deliver us from evil [and the evil one]...” Then, confident in the Lord’s presence and protection, you can “lie down and sleep in peace”. Psalm 119:165 Great peace have they who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble. •• Fill your heart with God’s word, the Bible, and you will automatically be filling your heart with God’s peace. •• So many times I, like you, have faced difficult times in life. At such times I have found time and again that the words of Scripture replace anxiety, worry, and fear with the tranquility that comes with the peace of God. The words of God in the Bible are an ever-present source of peace for your mind and heart. Proverbs 14:30 A heart at peace gives life to the body. •• This is a powerful example of the psyche-soma connection in the Bible — that is the strong effect the state of our inner man, our soul or psyche [Greek], has over our body or soma. In modern times medical science has caught on to this long-standing Bible truth about the “psychosomatic” factor in physical health and healing. •• The Bible tells us in no uncertain terms that a heart at peace has a profound effect on the physical health and well-being of the body —it “gives life to the body”. •• Pray to God, read His word regularly, worship Him both in church and in your private times, and you will surely find that the peace of God that fills your heart will have a beneficial impact upon your physical well-being. Isaiah 26:3 You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you. King James Version: Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. •• Perfect peace! What a desirable state of mind that would be. And in this verse God provides two avenues to that “perfect peace”: 1. Fix, or “stay”, your mind on Him. Make Him regularly the focus of your thoughts. 2. Trust in Him. A friend of ours once gave us a small plaque with this profound saying on it: “It’s always safe to trust the Lord.” • And from these two things — (1) a mind focused on God and (2) an abiding trust in Him — you can come to a state of “perfect peace” in your heart. Mark 5:34 He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.” •• Jesus healed the woman then; Jesus still heals today! • If you are facing serious health issues, follow the example of that ill woman and reach out in faith to Jesus. Imagine yourself touching the hem of His garment and having Him turn to you and say, “Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.” John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. •• Jesus’ words remind us that it is not man-created peace, but rather the peace of God, that calms our troubled hearts. • Jesus reminded them that it was His peace — peace from Him —that would allow them to face life’s troubles without fear and trepidation. His peace is abiding, powerful, life-changing, lasting. The world’s so-called “peace” is often just a transient feeling that results from man’s faulty methods and philosophies, none of which have brought lasting peace to this earth. John 16:33 I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. •• Similar to the previous Scripture, this verse quotes Jesus assuring us of three important facts: 1. In this world we will have trouble. To believe otherwise is to be naive and even antibiblical. 2. But in the midst of that predictable trouble, we may find peace in Him! Trouble in the world, but the inward peace of Christ in the very midst of the trouble. 3. And He gives us the assurance that the troubles will not triumph over us, since Jesus Himself has overcome the world. Therefore, we may “take heart” and rest in His peace in the very midst of troubles and trials. Romans 5:1 Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Philippians 4:6-7 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. [7] And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. •• Two little prepositions in these verses (“with” and “of”) give us a wonderful revelation about God’s peace. • Upon repenting of our sins and believing in Jesus, we are justified by faith, are born again by the Spirit, and enter into a relationship of peace with God. Our sins, which had once kept us at enmity with God, are forgiven through Jesus Christ. And now we find ourselves at peace with God, rather than in opposition to Him. • Now, as born-again children of God, at peace with Him, we can find great peace in prayer. We bring our anxieties to Him in prayerful petition, with thanksgiving, and as a result we find our hearts and minds wonderfully filled with the peace of God. He replaces our anxieties with His peace. Romans 15:13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him... •• It’s a short verse, with a simple but powerful truth — that is, we can be filled with peace as we trust in the Lord. I find that when I don’t do this, anxieties begin to crowd into my thoughts. Then as I rest in the Lord and trust in Him for all things, the peace returns. Colossians 3:15 Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. •• We have a choice to make. We can hold onto our anxieties, fears, and stresses. Or we can let Christ’s peace “rule in [our] hearts”. My natural tendency is to allow troubles to cause me to fret. But over the years, in the light of Scriptures like these, I have learned (and am still learning) to let the peace of Christ rule in my heart, to deliberately turn my cares over to Him and consciously allow Him to replace them with His own peace. Try it; it works! 2 Thessalonians 3:16a Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. •• That is my closing prayer for you — that you will find the Lord’s peace filling your hearts and minds “at all times and in every way”. “Let” His peace rule in your hearts, and you will find life’s troubles much easier to manage under the influence of the wonderful peace of God. Prayer peace joy hope Division, whether in politics, families, or churches, arises often from insecurity. Paul’s prayer of blessing in Romans 15:13 underscores the role of trust (faith) in achieving peace. Disunity disrupts growth; it displaces hope with confusion and anger. Even as Christianity began to spread across the Roman Empire in the first decades after the resurrection of Jesus, the apostles and other church leaders had to deal with potential division within the Christ’s church. In Acts 6, Greek-speaking Jewish Christian widows are overlooked in the daily distribution of food to the needy. It provokes unrest in a predominantly Aramaic-speaking church. The apostles respond by appointing seven from the same background as the overlooked to oversee distribution. In Acts 10-15, the conversion of Gentiles introduces new variables for disagreement into the Christian community. Which Jewish practices remain binding for non-Jewish disciples of Jesus? In the book of Galatians, the disagreements over the answer to these questions result in one apostle rebuking another. In a multicultural Christian community such as existed in Rome, these questions gained traction as disciples debated the eating of food previously sacrificed to idols and other issues. In Romans 15, Paul emphasizes the priority of glorifying God by seeking unity, accepting differences while refusing to compromise core values or to ignore the sensitivity of those genuinely offended by practices that other Christians find wholesome. If you’ve ever done something that you regarded as a breach of your own values, you know the sick feeling that accompanies the act. When one thinks they have been forced into compromise, that feeling morphs into resentment and alienation. Reactions range from angry backlash to sullen withdrawal, but imposing cultural differences as standards of religious practice devastates hope for authentic communion. For what do churches or individual disciples pray when division threatens? Paul’s benediction, following admonitions on resolving tensions, reveals the subjects of such a prayer. He writes, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” (Romans 15:13). When disagreement darkens the atmosphere of relationships, seek answers that will produce joy and peace, that will revive hope. Those answers will endure when rooted firmly in faith that trusts God and his Word. When one compares the words of this prayer with the “fruits of the Spirit” in Galatians 5, one realizes that division fails when Christians allow God’s Holy Spirit to produce those fruits in their lives. When we cling to selfishness and clamor for “rights,” we risk harming others who will interpret our behavior as Christian and turn away from their hope for peace. Selfish insistence on “my way” often stems from insecurity; my stability wavers when confronted with change. I recently realized that I disliked something that had been done in a church service not because it was wrong, but because it displaced a practice that makes singing in corporate worship easier for me. As a student of church history, I have to admit that Christians sang without written musical notes for centuries. I prefer strongly to see musical notes in a book or alongside the lyrics on slides rather than having to learn my part by hearing others sing. Other issues may be harder to discern or resolve. Approaching disagreement with focus on glorifying God and promoting the spiritual growth of someone other than myself makes it easier for me to accept another’s practice when it does not conflict with God’s will. When we pray, our words reflect our trust in God. They reveal our anxieties and our desires, our anger and our love. When my prayer focuses on what I want, and ignores what others need, it (to use the “call for fire” metaphor again) sends up a request that targets me for God’s attention. When I pray for others, it opens the door to unity with them. If my prayer echoes Paul’s prayer for the Roman Christians, then both I and those for whom I pray will grow in the unity that God desires. Theodore Monod concluded a prayer in 1874 with these words: “Higher than the highest heavens, deeper than the deepest sea, Lord, Thy love at last has conquered, ‘None of self and all of Thee,’ None of self and all of Thee, None of self and all of Thee. Lord, Thy love at last as conquered, ‘None of self and all of Thee.” Monod prays, as Paul prayed, that our lives and our prayers will glorify God. Paul’s prayer implies that we will be more likely to know joy and peace when we trust God. Hope will abound when we pray for the glory of God and the needs of others. Our Father declare to give pastor Powell the strength to be in a healer to bring the happiness through his lifes . Declare to remove his disappointments discourage . Decree that he can be in different attitudes to see greater things are love for his son of God . God what goes comes around but God it happens on Sunday night or Monday through Saturday pastor Powell remember of book of Luke chapter 19 & chapter 24 declare whats in the Israel with his false prophets because their out of order and. Declare and decree everything from the communities of C.R.S.A pastor Thomas Powell . Pray for the sick shut in etc pray for the government agencies and you will be blessed by others by praying . God said build your faith to see how we believe that our pray goes ceases to trust God . God said you cant take life for granted . Life is too short life is longer what you think pastor Thomas Powell . Psalm 28:7, The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him. Psalm 29:11, The LORD will give strength unto his people; the LORD will bless his people with peace. Our Father declare to be freed from the prison to receive your prayer by Paul pastor Thomas Powell . God said prayer offered by the church . Peter and John were obeying Jesus’ command to tell others the Good News about Jesus and found themselves in jail for a night. Believers will face difficulties for obeying Jesus but God’s Holy Spirit lives inside our hearts and He will give us the power and courage to be obedient even in difficult times. (John 15:20, 1 Peter 4:12-16, 2 Timothy 3:12) Bread of heaven thy name is calling you Our Father said to be in the chronology and dont be in fear of phonology with Christ . God said take this bread which is for you to eat and drink this wine is for you pastor Powell etc thy Lord knows we are heaven when we dies but the Lord is calling your name to pray like Paul . Jesus said rise Peter the Lord said to be chronology of God to see how things are coming from zealous. kill and eat: without putting any difference between clean and unclean, take which thou hast most mind to.” The distinction of meats which the law made was intended to put a difference between Jew and Gentile, that it might be difficult to them to dine and sup with a Gentile, because they would have that set before them which they were not allowed to eat; and now the taking off of that prohibition was a plain allowance to converse with the Gentiles, and to be free and familiar with them. Now they might fare as they fared, and therefore might eat with them, and be fellow-commoners with them. 5. He stuck to his principles, and would by no means hearken to the motion, though he was hungry (Acts 10:14): Not so, Lord. Though hunger will break through stone walls, God’s laws should be to us a stronger fence than stone walls, and not so easily broken through. And he will adhere to God’s laws, though he has a countermand by a voice from heaven, not knowing at first but that Kill, and eat, was a command of trial whether he would adhere to the more sure word, the written law; and if so his answer had been very good, Not so, Lord. Temptations to eat forbidden fruit must not be parleyed with, but peremptorily rejected; we must startle at the thought of it: Not so, Lord. The reason he gives is, “For I have never eaten any thing that is common or unclean; hitherto I have kept my integrity in this matter, and will still keep it.” If God, by his grace, has preserved us from gross sin unto this day, we should use this as an argument with ourselves to abstain from all appearance of evil. So strict were the pious Jews in this matter, that the seven brethren, those glorious martyrs under Antiochus, choose rather to be tortured to death in the most cruel manner that ever was than to eat swine’s flesh, because it was forbidden by the law. No wonder then that Peter says it with so much pleasure, that his conscience could witness for him that he had never gratified his appetite with any forbidden food. 6. God, by a second voice from heaven, proclaimed the repeal of the law in this case (Acts 10:15): What God hath cleansed, that call thou not common. He that made the law might alter it when he pleased, and reduce the matter to its first state. God had, for reasons suited to the Old-Testament dispensation, restrained the Jews from eating such and such meats, to which, while that dispensation lasted, they were obliged in conscience to submit; but he has now, for reasons suited to the New-Testament dispensation, taken off that restraint, and set the matter at large—has cleansed that which was before polluted to us, and we ought to make use of, and stand fast in, the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free, and not call that common or unclean which God has now declared clean. Note, We ought to welcome it as a great mercy that by the gospel of Christ we are freed from the distinction of meats, which was made by the law of Moses, and that now every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused; not so much because hereby we gain the use of swine’s flesh, hares, rabbits, and other pleasant and wholesome food for our bodies, but chiefly because conscience is hereby freed from a yoke in things of this nature, that we might serve God without fear. Though the gospel has made duties which were not so by the law of nature, yet it has not, like the law of Moses, made sins that were not so. Those who command to abstain from some kinds of meat at some times of the year, and place religion in it, call that common which God hath cleansed, and in that error, more than in any truth, are the successors of Peter. 7. This was done thrice, Acts 10:16. The sheet was drawn up a little way, and let down again the second time, and so the third time, with the same call to him, to kill, and eat, and the same reason, that what God hath cleansed we must not call common; but whether Peter’s refusal was repeated the second and third time is not certain; surely it was not, when his objection had the first time received such a satisfactory answer. The trebling of Peter’s vision, like the doubling of Pharaoh’s dream, was to show that the thing was certain, and engage him to take so much the more notice of it. The instructions given us in the things of God, whether by the ear in the preaching of the word, or by the eye in sacraments, need to be often repeated; precept must be upon precept, and line upon line. But at last the vessel was received up into heaven. Those who make this vessel to represent the church, including both Jews and Gentiles, as this did both clean and unclean creatures, make this very aptly to signify the admission of the believing Gentiles into the church, and into heaven too, into the Jerusalem above. Christ has opened the kingdom of heaven to all believers, and there we shall find, besides those that are sealed out of all the tribes of Israel, an innumerable company out of every nation (Rev. 7:9); but they are such as God has cleansed. Remember of book of Genesis chapter one creates the earth and water tress etc , He believed in one God, the Creator of heaven and earth, and had a reverence for his glory and authority, and a dread of offending him by sin; and, though he was a soldier, it was no diminution to the credit of his valour to tremble before God. God said put his chronological in order to follow his vehemently through the circumstances surrounding areas . 1. How, and in what way, these orders were given him. He had a vision, in which an angel delivered them to him. It was about the ninth hour of the day, at three of the clock in the afternoon, which is with us an hour of business and conversation; but then, because it was in the temple the time of offering the evening sacrifice, it was made by devout people an hour of prayer, to intimate that all our prayers are to be offered up in the virtue of the great sacrifice. Cornelius was now at prayer: so he tells us himself, Acts 10:30. Now here we are told, (1.) That an angel of God came in to him. By the brightness of his countenance, and the manner of his coming in, he knew him to be something more than a man, and therefore nothing less than an angel, an express from heaven. (2.) That he saw him evidently with his bodily eyes, not in a dream presented to his imagination, but in a vision presented to his sight; for his greater satisfaction, it carried its own evidence along with it. (3.) That he called him by his name, Cornelius, to intimate the particular notice God took of him. (4.) That this put Cornelius for the present into some confusion (Acts 10:4): When he looked on him he was afraid. Pastor Powell etc dont be afraid whats the Lord doing . What the lord said to the prophets please calm down but the prophets were scare in the storm pastor Powell Mark chapter 4 verses 35-42 . In the biblical phonology with Christ to pray with the spiritual gift that God gave us . God said sent our purpose of his calling his voice to be activated for our own ministry to be faithful minister and a willing people together is a work worthy of an angel, and what therefore the greatest of men should be glad to be employed in. —
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 00:19:22 +0000

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