Here I speak again. I hold strong intuitive feelings that a - TopicsExpress


Here I speak again. I hold strong intuitive feelings that a cure for cancer is not one size fits all. Cancers are different, depending on the type, location and stage. I grew up on a farm, eating organic fruits, veggies, very little meat and ran in the fields, swam in the lakes and in the ocean, rode ponies bareback, ice skated, skied, cartwheeled, danced and sang and drank red wine with my Italian family. My grandfather Dante made the wine in an old bathtub in his back yard. I had a fun and otherwise healthy childhood, I was rarely, if ever sick. I moved to California in the early 1970s. Started eating veggies from the grocery store. Organic and GMO were not even blips on my radar at that time. I worked in the Silicon Valley, tried to fit in with the go-getters, successful, material and wealth-focused society. I never felt good there but because I had a young son to raise and continued the stress filled focus of trying to fit in. Wear the right clothes, drive the right car, vote for the socially acceptable candidate, acquire things that promised to make me happy. Felt bad because my family thought I was weird and something was wrong with me because I questioned their choices. All this stress of denying my true nature-- I think THATS the root cause of any illness Ive endured. No amount of wheatgrass juice, herbs, elixirs, magical promises will touch the root cause. Not that I dont love wheatgrass juice, clean eating, whole living, fresh air- no chemicals on or in my body. I feel so much better when I treat my physical container with the same careful loving attention I gave my newborn son. This article so resonated with me. Thats why Im striving to return to a simpler knife style. One thats joyful and joy filled. Not in pursuit of things or great accomplishments or being the center of attention. Not working for a corporate monster that doesnt give a damn about me. Not building the biggest house in the neighborhood (actually never had the desire to own a home- where would that get me?) going on exotic vacations. I have it ALL, a wonderland here in Mexico with uncomplicated, honest, loving and like minded people. An amazing man who loves me as my face changes into someone far different than he first met. Just living each day as it unfolds is joyful and for all these experiences, good and bad I remain.... GRATEFUL.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 21:09:06 +0000

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