Here are 15 easy ways to be more awesome today: 1. Compliment - TopicsExpress


Here are 15 easy ways to be more awesome today: 1. Compliment someone. Like your colleague’s new jacket? Someone’s hair look nice today? Tell them! The boost this gives will impact both of you. 2. Pay for someones coffee. This will make someone’s day! 3. Smile! A smile from a stranger on the street or on the subway can remind us the world is a kind and loving place. 4. Text an old friend. A short text remembering something funny you guys did or requesting a fun get together will put you both in a good mood. 5. Say thank you with feeling. Whatever it is, a speedy response to a question, another person letting you take the cab, someone holding the elevator, say thank you like you mean it! 6. Lift the mood. Someone have the Monday blues? Is it raining today? Sometimes a little joke, like, “Love Mondays!” or “Beautiful day!” can keep it real, folks. 7. Dance! Put on your favorite playlist, be light and just move your body. 8. Help someone. If it is helping someone with a stroller down the stairs, letting someone cut in line who looks hurried, or even just waiting to hold a door open for the person behind you … do it happily. 9. Wear something bright! Why does our black stuff always get used first? Orange skirt? Lovely! Yellow belt? Yes please! Red coat? Don’t mind if I do! Color is a free and easy way to lighten things up. 10. Praise someone publicly. In a meeting or a group email, thank someone or highlight something good they did. They will remember this! 11. Tell someone you love him or her. Even if its just your dog. And look them in the eye when you do it. 12. Send someone a book! Many books cost less than $10, but the thought and effort are priceless. Extra points if its specifically relevant for them at the time, but an old favorite of yours is great too. 13. Express your gratitude. Do you just love your salad every day? Tell the person who makes it! 14. Give a hug. People need them more than we think. I made my friends group hug over brunch the other day, and it made us happy and close. 15. Drink a glass Champagne. No, you don’t need an occasion. Being alive in a beautiful world is reason enough How have you been awesome today?
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 13:52:33 +0000

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