Heres a broader picture of the events this week. Early Monday - TopicsExpress


Heres a broader picture of the events this week. Early Monday Morning, My sister Debbie complained of severe head pain and soon became unresponsive and was rushed to St Thomas Midtown. She had a anuerysm that had begun to bleed. 23 years ago, she had had one bleeding anuerysm and two non bleeding clipped as well as a brain Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM) operated on. This recent anuerysm is in a differant part of the brain and appeared larger. The Doctors have not sugar coated this and the odds are very much not in her favor. Her initial cat scan was not good and the main concern was to get her stable, get a drain in to remove the blood from her brain (which in my research seems to be the main cause of damage and puts her in danger) and to get a coil in that vein to make sure it does not bleed anymore. There was concern with her one pupil and she did not seem to be moving her one arm on Monday. They successfully got the drain in on Monday as well. Tuesday, the coil found its way in via a vein in her leg and cranial surgery was not needed. By Tueday night, she seemed to be responding to requests to squeeze hands and they were hoping to bring her off sedation and remove the respirator. She got restless though through the night and they did have to sedate her. Since Tuesday, she has been up and down about her responses. She will respond for one family member but not another, may respond well overnight with the nurses but not during the day when the Doctor comes by. Yesterday was a good day though and she was on her best behavior and they were able to get the respirater out and has since been wheeled out of the room which is a sign it is no longer needed. She is only opening one eye and has third nerve palsy in her left eye but all four limbs are responding and she moves around alot in bed and tries to sit up. She can follow you around the room (or appears to) with her right eye and seemed to be watching television yesterday. She has yet to do her sign language she did last time but yesterday her color seemed good, most of the swelling was down and I did notice movement in her eye brow and blinking in both eyes. She has a long road ahead but so far, she has beat the odds and her Doctors are pleased with her progress. Given the odds and the situation, the Doctors are limited and can only do so much. I truly believe she has progressed this far along due to the positive thoughts, prayers and love that have been pouring in this week and I thank each and every one of you supporting her in whatever way by putting those thoughts out there for her. I was the little sister Debbie didnt know she had until I was grown and she welcomed me without question and has shown me love and support over the last 23 years and shes never given up on me. And I cannot thank her enough for the gift of family shes given me. I wish there was some magic button I could push and reset this week for her. But if anything good has come out of this, I have spent many hours huddled with the same family shes introduced me to and each one has been a precious moment...even when the cleaning staff cant run us out of the waiting room and asks security to get us to leave. I truly believe that the love for her in that room will keep helping her beat those odds. Thank you all for your prayers, positive thoughts and support for her and the family.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 13:58:08 +0000

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