Heres an excerpt to show what the relationship between Ein and - TopicsExpress


Heres an excerpt to show what the relationship between Ein and Serai was like in the beginning, and what starts the plot rolling. ________________________ Seraiya slipped her hand along the curve of my ribs, giving me goose bumps. “Come with me,” she whispered yet again. “You will have a place in our house. You can help me raise the children. They could call you auntie.” She tipped her face up to mine, her luscious lips brushing in a chaste kiss that turned into passion and a sensuous sliding of tongues. I pulled away, laughing. “No one who saw us together would believe us to be sisters, love. Sleep now. We have nights yet.” Seraiya sobbed once, but regained control by squeezing her eyes shut and hardening her pretty mouth into an uncharacteristically solemn line. We had agreed to do our best not to use the last of our nights together in expressing mutual sadness. Better to spend the hours on what we had, rather than on the uncertain future. Seraiya settled into a boneless sleep. I twined my fingers through her silken hair and pressed strands to my mouth, inhaling her scent. A desperate hollow yearning welled up in my chest – I would give anything to stay with this woman forever. I knew, though, that to go with Seraiya into her new life would divide her loyalties. There was no way I could allow myself to become a permanent complication to her happiness. She deserved more than the inevitable jealousy I would have for her relationship with Mag. Better that I make a new life for myself and become a fond memory from Serai’s past. Until then, I would avoid sleep and memorize Serai’s features as best I could. Despite my resolve, sleep found me. I awoke to something foul pressed to my mouth and nose. I gasped for air, kicking and fighting. Hands held me down tight. Terror choked me. The world spun. Hands lifted me. I was pushed into a cloth prison. I tried to scream, to warn Serai. My eyelids kept sliding closed. I heard a scuffle. Serai’s cut-off cry. A thud. Sleep took me and I dreamt of losing her.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 00:22:27 +0000

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