Heres how I see this. I read about the deaths of Chicago, IL - TopicsExpress


Heres how I see this. I read about the deaths of Chicago, IL natives Jeff Dailey and Peter Brucowski on the arcade history websites article on Berzerk. All I know is these two were probably ambitious to get high scores and also, they didnt have anything to eat and drink to fight hydration and stabilize the metabolism and that is what led to their deaths. In Jeff Daileys case, I seriously doubt that the number 666 in his score, 16,660, was a contributing factor to his death. What was Peters score anyway? I couldnt find it, there are no pictures taken of the Berzerk cabinet at the scene of Friar Tucks Arcade where he died either. And I doubted the ROM code of Berzerk was smart enough to personally speak to the players when they got high scores. And speaking of numbers, Satans real number is 616, not 666, that number was derived from Dantes Inferno (Not The Game, The Poem) in describing Satan as a creature having Six wings, Six Eyes and Three Heads & Three Chins, Three + Three = Six, henceforth 666 is his given number from Dantes Inferno. Had Jeff Daileys score contained the number 616, he would have been spared dying young because I recently read another post from another user and he or she said said its possible that by seeing 666 in his high score that Jeff Dailey could have gotten scared and worked up and that caused his heart attack, But he was in good health. Its very simple. If you are going to play an arcade game, get something like a slice of pizza or a burger in your stomach and get something to drink like a Soda. Same applies for Home gaming, have some food and drink at your side while playing. And dont place any blame on Alan McNeil because he didnt know these 2 deaths were going to happen and he put a lot of work into his creation. Theres been no proof that the game roms were cursed in any way, nor were the cabinets examined for defects, and who knows also what the environments could have been when Jeff Dailey and Peter Brucowski died? I mean, players smoked in arcade back then so carbon monoxide or nicotine poisoning could have contributed to the deaths along with possible improper temperature and nothing to eat and drink. 666 is actually derived from Dantes Inferno by Dante Alighieri describing Satan as a creature with 6 Eyes, 6 Wings, and 3 Chins and 3 Heads (3+3=6) henceforth, 666, the Number of The Beast as written (but not proven) in the holy bible. The real number of the beast is 616. In 2005, a fragment of Papyrus 115 was revealed, containing the earliest known version of that part of the Book of Revelation discussing the Number of the Beast. It gave the number as 616, suggesting that this may have been the original. Apparently the two different numbers reflect two different spellings of Emperor Nero/Nerons name, for which this number is believed to be a code. I asked Alan McNeil (where he has a YouTube account on the videos page) a question about Jeff Daileys score having the three 6s on Berzerk. My Question: Alan, Ive been playing games since Pac-Man. I was just wondering... Im an occultist and you will notice it was mentioned that the first person that died, Jeff Dailey, posted a high score of 16,660 points. Now, I doubt that the number 666 was in the score was a blind contributing factor to his death. Your thoughts? His Response: Doubt the score had anything to do with it. The newspaper mentioned weight. Humans are good at making connections (coinsidence) where there is no repeatability of the connection. I thank him for taking time out of his work load to reply. Like I said, Its been said about Jeff Dailey that he got scared after seeing 666 in his high score that he might have gotten worked up that he could have caused his own death. And again, But both players were in good health and just died of heart attacks right after posting high scores. Alan and I just dont compute the number 666 in Jeff Daileys high score to be a contributing factor to his death. I remember that Berzerk didnt have any spoken phrases like Congratulations on High Score in its ROM code and also couldnt say anything personal to a player, only what it was randomly programmed to say because its A.I. was to do that function as well as control the robots and Evil Otto. And yes, there is a documented medical file on Jeff Daileys death. One thing this film left out was he was Morbidly Obese and ran up a flight of stairs to play Berzerk. So Weight problems, running, shortness of breath, no food or drink and freaking out by seeing 666 in his high score... we can rule out the possibility that Berzerk was magickally tainted ROM code in this case, but we still don;t know what caused his heart attack. The case remains unsolved. Just since Berzerk, strange things have happened in arcades. I mean, people used to smoke inside those places and give players disease or make them sick. Since then, I have heard that independently run game rooms and even casinos keep either a constant supply or air and/or oxygen pumped out so players can breath because people in casinos still smoke and machines get hot. Not much was said of Peter Brucowski, just that he died after playing and posting his initials in Berzerk at Friar Tucks Arcade outside of Chicago. Like I said, no pics, no knowing what his high score was, just a print story. Whenever I saw 666 or 777 or 616 in my scores I took it as something to laugh about because these games were just big cabinets housing small computers with no souls. If Berzerk somehow did get cursed, Alan McNeil, Jeff Daily and Peter Brucowski could not have known. Alan just designed it, Jeff and Peter were just fans. May the souls of Jeff Dailey and Peter Brucowski find peace.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 08:44:02 +0000

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