Heres my longwinded Kingston Festival 2014 HLGCBS Highs: -The - TopicsExpress


Heres my longwinded Kingston Festival 2014 HLGCBS Highs: -The show! It was great to perform with a bunch of longtime friends, who all also happen to be jugglers I admire. I had fun performing a new act, which went pretty smoothly. Missed most of the first half, but I got to see most of SMIRK, and Warren and Reid are awesome! -Saturday night afterparty at the Philips’ house, where we drank excellent beer and ate delicious cheese, and I got more people hooked on Elkfest (aka the Moose Game). Watched Throw Joy with a group of jugglers including Jeff Peden (of course it got a round of applause at the end). Like all good parties this went late and ended with a bunch of people crammed in the kitchen telling hilarious stories. -Hanging out with friends, and making new ones! I really appreciate at smaller festivals how you get the chance to spend more concentrated time with people. -Joe’s workshop on Juggling for High Performance. Joe’s a good teacher, and he packed a ton of useful and interesting ideas and exercises into 90 minutes. Bonus points for having handouts! -Co-teaching a kickup workshop with Yoshi. Yoshi is great at both doing and explaining kickups, so it was cool to hear his ideas/teaching approach. -I almost made it to the end of Simon says (You win this time Mike Moore...) -Lots of good female jugglers in the gym, and fairly gender-balanced show. I was happy to see a bunch of little kids juggling too. -Tristan dancing to Gangam Style :) -Getting some helpful advice on improving my 5 ball pattern from Warren aka the juggling doctor. Thanks Warren! -Watching Joe hit a 7-up on Sunday afternoon. Crazy! -Post-fest group dinner Sunday night, and the ride back to Montreal with Kevin, who’s always good company. Lows: -Coming down with a cold on Friday and feeling progressively worse as Saturday went on -Jordan getting a severe leg cramp right before the curtain call and being in such pain he could barely stand up- but he was a trooper and made it onstage anyhow! -I might be developing an addiction to Popeye cigarettes Goal: -To perform well in the show, and have fun with friends. Check! Crush: -Karen and Greg, Joe, Kevin, Cate, Lacey, that 3am reposado tequila Bane: Nah Surprise: -People kept winning Higgins Bros sunglasses, which I didnt know existed -Jordan, you got really good with clubs! Keep up the good work! This was a great fest, fun and well organized, and I hope it happens again next year. To reiterate what Zack and Joe said at dinner, you jugglers are like family, and this community means so much to me. See you folks at Turbo!
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 01:59:03 +0000

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