Hi, everyone! I hope this note finds you well – abiding in the - TopicsExpress


Hi, everyone! I hope this note finds you well – abiding in the grace of God through Christ. And even as I write those words, I am aware that many of you are busy at work – working hard to provide for your families, taking care of little ones, or even sleeping so that you can work throughout the night tonight. Others are dealing with the effects of aging, or disease, or injury of one form or another. At many moments along the way it can feel like the peace, love, and grace we experience in worship, or other times we gather together, are miles away. I am often reminded of this when I write words of encouragement or hope to you – that there are moments in life when we lose sight of the hope we have in Christ, when we cease to abide in Christ, or when we struggle to even know what it means to be a Christian (a genuine disciple/follower of Jesus). Could I just say to anyone who is struggling today with these things (or others) --- you can make it. You’re gonna make it. Just keep going! I don’t mean that in a cliché way, or some kind of not-in-touch-with-reality kind of way. I can say that because I have the privilege of being part of so many of your lives. And as I’ve talked with you, prayed with you, proclaimed the gospel of Christ to you, tackled issues with you, and had fun with you, I can see how God is working in multiple families during these very days – this very week, in fact. God is giving family after family victory upon victory! Praise his holy name! You are the light of the world – a city on a hill that cannot be hidden. And it is the light of Christ Jesus that is illuminating your own life, the life of your biological family unit, and the life of this church family. So, what about you? Yeah, the ones out there who are struggling, the ones who are beat up, the ones who are tempted to be cynical and pessimistic about all this victory stuff. To you I say again --- you can make it. You’re gonna make it. Just keep going! To you I offer the words of Psalm 94 (verses 17-19): If the LORD had not been my help, my soul would have lived in the land of silence. When I thought, “My foot is slipping!” your steadfast love, O LORD, held me up. When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul. (NRSV) And I exhort you with the words of the apostle, Paul, when he wrote to the Galatians: So let us not grow weary of doing what is right, for we will reap at harvest time, if we do not give up. So then, whenever we have an opportunity, let us work for the good of all, and especially for whose of the family of faith. (6:9-10, NRSV) Folks, whether you’re having a good week or a rotten one, whether you’re living in victory or feel like you’re being crushed in defeat, whether you’re passionately following Christ with every fiber of your being or you have so many doubts and questions you don’t know where to start – or are somewhere between all of these – you can make it. You’re gonna make it. Just keep going! Would you just stop what you’re doing for a brief moment and do two things: (1) Connect with your heavenly Father – allow his word to sink in; become aware of his life-giving, renewing presence with you (2) Lift one of your brothers or sisters in Christ to the Lord in a word of prayer – pray deeply and fervently for them right now The world has nothing on those who are truly in Christ Jesus because our citizenship is in a kingdom that is not of this world. It is a kingdom full of God’s glorious splendor, his wonderful light, and everlasting life! (Kinda changes your perspective, doesn’t it?) May the God of all peace, give us confidence in the blood of Christ that has broken every chain of sin and death. And may we realize the good we are freed up to do because of Christ’s payment of our debt. And may we strain toward all the fulfilled promises that lie ahead for God’s people as we live and work together for his kingdom purposes. Amen.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 17:20:32 +0000

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