Hi there, a bit late in the week, but had computer trouble. - TopicsExpress


Hi there, a bit late in the week, but had computer trouble. Thankfully all is fixed and I am up and running again :). It was wonderful to see Gavin on Sunday, and for those who missed it, below is the "Thought for the Week"... Dear Friends, This past Wednesday evening was the second last meeting of this year’s Bethel Series. We have been studying the New Testament and Wednesday’s lesson was one of my favourites (though the group jokes with me because I land up saying that at the start of most of the lessons :)). The topic was sanctification. Sanctification is the name given to the process by which we are transformed into the likeness of Jesus through the work of His Holy Spirit. That may sound quite theological, but all it means is that when we have accepted Jesus as our Lord and Saviour, God shares His character and nature with us so that we can become all that He created us to be, just like Jesus. The fact is that the sin and brokenness of this world, caused by our own and other people’s selfishness and pride, leaves us all scarred and hurt and angry and cynical and overwhelmed and disempowered. This is not what God intended when creating us. His desire has always been for us to find our place and purpose in this beautiful world He has given us. His desire is that we should have life in all its fullness (John 10:10). God has designed life to be a thing of beauty and we are meant to find it to be so. This is what Paul tries to express in 2 Cor 3:18 – “And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into His likeness with EVER-INCREASING GLORY, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” Notice that this transformation into the likeness of Jesus, where we see and experience life in all its fullness, does not happen overnight. It is a process – ‘with ever increasing glory.’ And so, I want to encourage you to be patient. Keep seeking the Lord, keep immersing yourself in His word, keep fellowshipping with other believers, keep following His ways and values, keep praying for the Holy Spirit to fill you and change you… And, He WILL! You will find yourself becoming more and more the person you were designed to be, like Jesus, full of grace and truth. Lots of love, Chris
Posted on: Wed, 09 Oct 2013 06:39:24 +0000

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