Hmm? Maybe this is why i deal with so many snakes! Snake Spirit - TopicsExpress


Hmm? Maybe this is why i deal with so many snakes! Snake Spirit Animal The snake animal meaning is powerfully connected to life force and primal energy. In many cultures, it is revered as a powerful totem representing the source of life. When the snake spirit animal appears in your life, it likely means that healing opportunities, change, important transitions, and increased energy are manifesting. Snake spirit animals, symbols for healing The snake is close to earth energies and represents life force. Since it’s a reptile, the snake spirit animal is reminiscent of unconscious drives and primal instincts. When the snake spirit animal shows up, pay attention to how you use your energy, and where you draw it from. If you see the snake as your spirit or power animal, be sensitive to your healing abilities towards yourself or others. Cultivate sources of energy and support, especially as they relate to the earth and nature. In ancient traditions as well as modern times, snakes are symbols of healing powers and opportunities. In the Greek mythology, Aesclepius, the god of medicine, is featured with two snakes climbing up a rod, the symbol of what is known today as the Caduceus. The snake can symbolize spiritual guidance. The presence of the snake in your life often means that you are in a period of transition and it points to ways promote your personal growth. Snake could appear as a spirit animal when you are stepping into the unknown and need support to move forward. This animal is typically close to the ground and can remind you of staying grounded as you move through changes. When a snake appears in your dreams, it most likely acts as an animal spirit guide inviting you to look at important facts or dynamics that are impacting your life. Snakes featured in dreams often leaves a strong impression on the dreamer: Such dreams tend to be frightening or disturbing because they call on strong unconscious energy. Whether the snake spirit animal featured in your dream leaves a positive or negative impression, its presence should be considered as an invitation to look at positive changes and transformation. When the snake appears in your dream leaves you with a negative feeling, make sure you consider positive meanings as well. The snake spirit animal often appears in dreams as a warning about personal struggles and the need to pay attention to things or events that are escaping your field of awareness. For instance, when you dream of being bitten or attacked by a snake, it could mean that you need to be careful about important matters you’ve been ignoring so far. If the spirit animal featured in your dream in the shape of a snake is chasing you, it may represent a challenging situation or relationship that you have been avoiding and is pushing you around. The bottom line is that a dream featuring a snake invites you to check what in your life is “poisonous” and to look at important matters before they sneak up on you and create more damage or difficulty. Post your ideas and comments about the snake spirit animal by using the submission form below. Other people passionate about spirit animals can give their comments too. 459 Responses to Snake Spirit Animal Leave a Reply Like 744 6 What is the meaning of the snake spirit animal? When the snake shows up as your spirit animal, it generally means: Snake spirit animals represent healing Transformation, life changes The spirit of the snake is connected to life force, primal energy A meaning for the snake spirit animal is spiritual guidance The snake as a spirit animal can be to provide guidance about life changes and transitions, whether they are happening at the physical, emotional or spiritual level. Pleiadian DNA Activations… Online energy attunement courses for healing & spiritual development The snake and spiritual guidance Dream interpretation of snakes The dark side of snakes in dreams Next Step: Share your experience about your snake spirit animal! October 6, 2013 Nicole I had a dream last night that a snake bit my 1 year old daughter on the tongue and my husband pulled it out of her mouth and killed it. I can’t seem to find a fitting interpretation or explanation anywhere…. Reply October 5, 2013 Anonymous when i was younger i dreams bout lots of snakes don’t no what it means to dream bout snakes.One night i dream about a anaconda it could of fit the whole entire yard,that how big it were.The other night i dream about a yellow snake.My mother always tell me when i dream bout snakes try to kill course,it can also means that the enemy hands are on you,but i know that hands of THE LORD hands are always upon me.Last night it was a horrible dream for me ,i was home at the back yard and a snake(cobra) was waiting there for me.I ran inside and it was slithering very fast then i close the back door. Unsurprisingly it was inside along with me so i ran out side and i started to run until i came at a house what i though was my grandmother house my mother was also there and there were babies snake on the front porch.It was like every where i go were i did read about snakes and it said snakes means problems are in your life i really do have problems as a young age i am only 12 going to be 13 in 2 more days.My mother killed the cobra but it didn’t felt like it was dead as i turn around it was gone Reply October 5, 2013 MONICA MONICA IS MY NAME. Reply October 5, 2013 Seeking Consciousness Yesterday I was praying for clarity,meditating for guidance on a decision on a troubled relationship and got up & went to the kitchen to refresh my coffee. On returning to my meditation spot, a 14 inch snake was now blocking my path, inside, far from the doors or windows where I couldn’t miss it. Laughing at the coincidence,I gathered him in a dustpan and put him in the garbage. Hours later, feeling guilty for abandoning him, I carefully helped him out of the garbage can. WHen I looked down on the snake, I had also emptied a verse from a magazine that had been on a vision board in 2005 and hadn’t been seen since.The snake slithered across this message ” Some decisions change your life. Choose wisely”Hmmm indeed. I got the message but not the clarity Reply October 5, 2013 Seeking Consciousness Yesterday I was praying for clarity,meditating for guidance on a decision and got up went to the kitchen to refresh my coffee. On returning to my meditation spot, a 14′ snake was now blocking my path, inside, far from the doors or windows where I couldn’t miss it. Laughing at the coincidence,I gathered him in a dustpan and put him in the garbage. Hours later, feeling guilty for abandoning him, I carefully helped him out of the garbage can. WHen I looked down on the snake, I had also emptied a verse from a magazine that had been on a vision board in 2005 and hadn’t been seen since.The snake slithered across this message ” Some decisions change your life. Choose wisely”Hmmm indeed. I got the message but not the clarity Reply October 5, 2013 i saw small slow snakes in my drea nd in the main bedroom or jst say room because we dont have seperate rooms nd in the dream i kept on jumping on furniture although i was not much feared bt yes you can say it was scary . I would like to mention that i ha parvik Reply October 4, 2013 Carol Walked into a building today, only to spot a snake to the right of the entry door. Saw it curl around, I turned around to go to the next building to get something to move the snake. When returned the snake was gone. Wondered to myself what did I really see Reply October 4, 2013 Fireweed I had a snake dream this morning. I was entering my house and a rattler rattled. I looked down and it was laying there off to the side. I opened the door of the house and was doing stuff inside the house. In waking life I leave rattlesnakes alone and they usually go on their way. This dream rattlesnake came into the house and was cruising around checking under the beds and moving through the house. It jumped up on a counter, which I thought was odd behavior for a snake. I just avoided it, but when it made no effort to leave, I thought I should help it to find the door. I picked up the snake behind it’s head so it couldn’t bite and put it outside. I wasn’t afraid of the snake. Last time I dreamed of a snake, it was being handle by a friend who died the next week. Reply October 4, 2013 veronica Came home from work. Entered my home and lifted my garage door to let my dog out. While the garage door was going up I realized a snake coiled up. I became so scared that i just froze and the snaked crawled into the garage and i have yet to find it. it’s been 4 days. Does anyone have a thought about this? Yes, I need to heal from troubled relationships. Injured myself and was out of work, no savings and home may be foreclosed on. Lots of work related problems. I just want to lay back and breathe. I am very confused and feel like i am drifting through life without direction. Reply October 4, 2013 Karena i have been dreaming of snakes of and on for about 6 years for the first few years they were real nightmares and i would wake up in the corner of the room so scared that i was going to be bitten, (and looking back that wernt the best times for me) then i met my fiance and had a child and am in a good place so for the past 2years i still dream weekly about snakes but its always me and my wee family standing there admiring the snakes, Reply October 4, 2013 adrienne The two snakes are actually both of you. The small one indicates one part of you and the large one indicates another part of you. Here is your message as I heard it when reading yours… You are torn between yourself. You must make a decision and stick by it. The transition is at hand but your consistent indecisiveness has confused the universe as to what it is you want. Once you make the decision the universe will bring to you this transition to help you grow. Ground yourself more. Meditate. It is not a bad thing to see the two snakes. Snakes are good medicine. They arrive in your life when it’s time for change or to warn you of upcoming events. Peace Reply October 2, 2013 Cherry Reefwalker Started back in my religion/craft recently. This morning I was in my back patio and saw a large black snake (but the end tail was of a different color). At the time the snake appeared I was reading about Ochosi, Sangria Irish of the Hunt and Justice. The snake was hunting a lizard. I talked to the snake, prayed to it and called it Ochosi. The snake picked up its head and then headed towards my neighbors house…which was more affirmation this was a spirit snake as my neighbors which have caused much grief in my life lately and I started my craft back up to banish their hatred and lies. Such a powerful affirmation the spirit world guiding me and assisting me. I haven’t lost my “power” my energy or connection with the universe…it’s only been asleep. Reply October 2, 2013 Cherry Reefwalker *Santeria Orishi of the Hunt and Justice Reply October 1, 2013 Purple This is really impressive so many having posted dreams of snakes the last month. I also had a Dream around 10 days ago about a huge White snake with big blue crystal eyes. It was massive and standing up, so to say. Weirdly enough i just looked up some books ón and noticed the book the serpent of light of dunvalo melchiezedek about the earth s rising kundalini and the power of the female energy awakening in All of us. Wonderful message to All of us tuned into this universal mother earths energy Reply October 1, 2013 Roderick hill Did this book have any symbols Reply October 1, 2013 Roderick hill Last night Sept. 30,2013, My dream started with symbols I never seen before . It was like I was in space with these symbols floating all around me. Then a weird looking person appeared ,then I was back on land . There were ancient people with what looked like snake skin around there shoulder to there hip that came alive when I look away because I could see the huge snake shadows moving on the ground.Then I was in a open field with large snake hyrglips on the ground I got on knees and started rubbing them and a person appeared took me into a room . This one had a snake tattoo all over his upper body . As he was facing me his tattoo came alive and the head of a giant cobra came over his shoulder . He told me to turn around and when I turned I was in the mirror and then I had a tattoo that came alive and the head of the snake (Same size as my head)came over my shoulder then I woke up. Reply October 1, 2013 Caroline Last night Oct 1, 2013 I had a dream abou t a white and yellow striped snake. I had steped on it, then he/she jumped at me and bit my wrist and it talked to me told me “see you in hell”!!! I grabbed a big rock and smached its head untill it died!! Reply September 30, 2013 johnny This was actually my girlfriends dream, she said she was attending to her plants in her country, and her mom suddenly made her notice a thick plant witch seemed to be turning yellow in the bottom, she said she wanted to cut of the living part of it to save it when the yellow part turned into a snake wrapping around her arm. she then proceeded to tell me it couldent be her spirit guide but as i said to her, i said, you dreamed of the wild animal, and all its attributes and nature, try to think of its meaning instead.understand with your life at the present moment what was its meaning. for it is help, even if frieghtning.By the way, she does not know this but i am cheating on her heavily. for yall to know mine was a kind sparrow bird that i tamed and was very happy with. ended stressfully as i lost track of it and it end it up dead in the form of a cat. dreamed about it 3 months ago. Reply September 30, 2013 MH There was an extremely large snake presented to me. I was encouraged to pat it’s length like I would a furry friend. It responded like a pleased cat, almost cuddling with me. It’s head was near my hand and I was unafraid. Reply September 29, 2013 Anonymous I was born on the day of the chinese snake! Reply September 29, 2013 anni My boyfriend was moving out of our house and his Sister, who is not very fond of me was helping him move out all of his belongings. When they were finished packing up, he opened the door to leave and a snake was outside the front door. What does that mean? Reply September 29, 2013 Mzz Nikki In my dream,I was told that it was an order from god to put my hand out in the grass and say a prayer as to show obedience. When I started my prayer, out came a large green snake from the grass. I was really afraid of it. I pulled my hand back and started to try to run. When I turned, it bit me in the back. What does this actually mean? Reply September 27, 2013 Gabby I had a dream about a snake, but in the dream I wasn’t sure what it was at first. It (the snake) was in the water swimming and I could see the white and then a line of red and just a little break in the red and then it continued down the body of it. I thought it was a coy fish at first and by the time I looked down at it and realized what it was, I tried to hurry and back up but it had already come out of the water hissing at me and it was bigger than it looked in the water with his head spread out like a cobra and I could see its fangs, but it never bit me. I remember screaming and that’s how I woke up. I’ve been reading about snakes and I know I have a lot going on in my life. About to move out of state to live and marry my fiancé. That’s a good thing but his family is another story. I’m afraid that they will cause us more drama that will eventually will hurt our relationship. He has a baby moma and the baby from hell who is grown. She and I have already had words. I’m not one to let people think they gonna talk to me any kind of way. It will be very interesting to see how my life will unfold over the next three to four months. Reply September 27, 2013 Sen I just woke up from a snake dream this morning. I was in my apartment standing up, my mom was sitting in a desk chair, my two little sisters were sitting on the couch, and my grandma was at her desk also sitting in a computer chair. I told them that there was a snake in here. They didn’t believe me. I told them it was behind the couch so, my little sisters got up quickly and stood at my side. I had a shovel in my hand, my sisters had strings, grandma was holding a shovel too and my mom had a shoe. I asked her what the heck is a shoe going to do? She said she didn’t know. The snake appeared from behind the couch and went through my moms legs. She freaked out yelling oh hell no! Got up and the snake was gone. Night time had fallen and I was running towards a door. Turns out that door lead me to the apartment. I busted through the door yelling why are you guys sleeping!? The snake was still around and nobody had killed it. My sisters had already removed themselves from the floor but my grandma was in bed. I had no clue where she was but that didn’t stop me. I needed to find that snake before it hurt them. I already had the shovel in my hands and banged on the back of the wall with the head of the shovel. It came out and I quickly grabbed it by it’s head holding it’s mouth shut. I ran to the bathroom thinking that I could drown it in the toilet (I know, that was stupid) but than I decided to just choke it out after it bit me four times on my hand. It’s skin was white, had green eyes, splashes of black spots, and half it’s face was covered in a dark light purple. After I killed it, I went in and told them it was dead. “It bit me but this isn’t the first time I killed a snake.” Reply September 29, 2013 Anonymous That dream means victoy Reply September 27, 2013 nafja i always see two snakes and today after dreaming i started weeping because the dream was too disturbing… in my dream i saw one snake in kitchen which is too large and its color was white and blue and after that one small Blake snake.. please tell me i am too disturbed as i frequently see two snakes one very large and one small? Reply Name Type the characters that appear in the picture above. Post Comment Post Comment Spirit Animal Must-Read Animal-Speak: The Spiritual & Magical Powers of Creatures Great & Small A must-have on spirit animals. This reference book describes each animal meaning in detail and offers guidance on power animals. Pocket Guide to Spirit Animals: Understanding Messages from Your Animal Spirit Guides A good reference on spirit animals. Carry all the power animals with you with this pocket guide filled with definitions and meanings. Copyright © 2012-2013 All Rights Reserved 1033 18 91 35K Reiki Miami, FL purplelotusspiritualhealing Purple Lotus Spiritual Healing Reiki, Metaphysical Online Store Spirit Animal Meanings A-Z Spirit Animal Quiz How To Find Your Spirit Animal About Us
Posted on: Mon, 07 Oct 2013 01:20:42 +0000

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