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Home > Volume 6 > I Am Calling You Out Listen: 8/19/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior - The Lord’s Words Given to Timothy During an Online Bible/Letter Study Fellowship, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear Little flock, and you, the small of My flock, hear My words and give heed... Yea, drink deeply from My cup, for it is filled with blood and many tears... Thus says The Holy One, your Life: Beloved, I am calling you out, and from this world have I called you out already, to stay separate... Set apart, for My glory, until I come. Yet many of you remain, standing still, with your cup in your hand, sighing. Beloved, depart from this world, in thought and in action... Reveal your love... Display your love for Me openly!... Rest in Me on the Sabbath, and receive of My blessings. And those among you, who still work on My holy day... Of which I, Myself, had sanctified from the beginning... From My table, depart. For you have not chosen that which is most needful... Coming to Me that I should heal you. Your love is of such a kind, which only brings tears to My eyes. Beloved little flock, I have blessed you in a way few have regarded, nor has any seen the like since the apostles walked with Me. Yet among you, I see some who turn not their foot away, from doing their own pleasure on the Sabbath, The Lord’s Day... The day which I made for you, and called you to remember and to keep holy. Oh beloved, do you not love Me?... How is it, you take no pleasure in Me?... Know you not, you are My pleasure and My heart’s desire? Yet when I look upon you, yes, I do see of Myself, but only dimly... As one who is made to stand afar off, as one waiting in an outer room, until called for... You have lost your grasp! You will not be able to stand against what is coming!... Yea, against that which is already here. Therefore, those among you who forsake My sabbath, For your own way, reveal who is first... Depart from My table... Even with many tears, I command you to depart. Behold, there is a day coming quickly, a day and hour which remains unknown to you, in which I will call you to stop what you are doing, so you may come and worship Me. Yea, I will call you to keep this day holy, and you shall do no work therein... Even it shall be fulfilled a second time. Yet of the first, I will indeed call to you. And some will come out and worship Me, each in their own house, set apart, with their beloved, set apart... And in each household shall it be decided... Who, among you, loves Me more than these?... More than themselves?... More than this world?... And those who fail to come to Me, without condition, will not be asked to depart, neither shall they escape. I am The Lord, and this is My will: That one, who burns for Me from within, display that love openly before Me. And one, who is neither cold nor hot, depart from Me, until such a time comes and is fulfilled, that by great distress their flame is stoked and becomes a great fire, glaring in the eyes of the passerby, shining in the midst of a cold, dark night... A warm heat, drawing others toward it, those who sought to be warmed by it... While singeing others, even to the point of death, as many of all who sought to extinguish it. I see your hearts, beloved. I behold your innermost thoughts, and know every intent... Even those which remain hidden, those you suppress. I know, beloved... I know. Pretense is not, at all, becoming of a servant of The Lord; neither is the world a garment, which any of My elect shall wear. Strip yourself naked of this world, and come to Me!... Yea, lay yourselves upon the altar!... A living sacrifice, acceptable before The Lord. Beloved, by no other means shall you escape! Oh beloved, My treasures, My battered and bruised sheep, come to Me and be healed... Lay yourselves down and be broken! There is no more time to wander in all these desolate fields... The storm is overhead! The storm is overhead, beloved!... SEEK SHELTER! Beloved, I have spoken to you firmly, and I have done what is needful, speaking to you in a multitude of unending words, with love of the same. How is it I call for a right heart, and no pure works follow?... Behold, I have called for works befitting a loving servant in The Lord, yet your works last only for a moment, then soon pass away... Works done out of obligation!... Works without trust, with no real love, only self-preservation... A fruitless endeavor to keep the door open... BELOVED, AWAKE!... Awake out of your slumber!... Awaken your hearts to the majesty of WHO I AM, of all that I have done... To the love which flows pure, Love which flows from My heart through yours, filling you... Soon reaching out to others, bearing much fruit in The Beloved. Beloved, upon these words does all life, all knowledge, and all truth rest... Even by which all things consist: “I AM THE WAY... THE TRUTH... AND THE LIFE!” And this is true, pure, undefiled love, the only means by which The Law of The Father may be fulfilled: You shall love The Lord Your God, with ALL your heart, with ALL your mind, with ALL your soul, and with ALL your strength... And yes, beloved, you shall love your neighbor as yourself. For this is to walk in Me, THIS is to abide in Me. And apart from this is the world and much darkness... And much pain, a multitude of tears and sorrow. It is time for My servants to walk in My strength, Drinking deeply from the cup of My grace, while along the way... And for all others, to fall along the wayside, Until that, which was planted at the first, has taken root once again. I am The Lord... I am coming quickly, and I shall surely call out... And the first of many shall be gone from this place. Amen, and amen... I am coming quickly! [Addendum from The Lord, after discussing the Word above] Oh beloved, how quickly some of you turn outwardly to look for meaning, when the answer should be there within you... One Love... One Way... One Truth... One Life... One Consuming Passion... The only means, by which one shall surely escape. Beloved, where I am all My works are made plain, for all good things come from Me. And that which has a veneer of goodness, yet did not come forth from love, which I am, is a lie... A show performed as a pretense, in which one has attempted to impress others, that they might receive praise from them... When in truth, it is only themselves they have deceived, covering over a wound which remains unhealed... Even that same wound, which I received in the house of My friends, says The Lord.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 15:12:30 +0000

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