How Long Will You Keep Them, LORD? written by - TopicsExpress


How Long Will You Keep Them, LORD? written by BibleBelieverNet Psalms 12:6-7 (KJV) The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. 7 Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever. The words of the LORD are pure Words. The Bible has been tried I a furnace and purified seven times. It is remarkable that the King James Bible was the seventh English translation. • 1-The Tyndale Bible • 2-The Matthew Bible • 3-The Coverdale Bible • 4-The Great Bible • 5-The Geneva Bible • 6-The Bishops Bible • 7-The King James Bible These are the ONLY Bibles in the English that came from the Textus Receptus. All others came from a corrupt text from Egypt. Each version before the King James Bible was a part of the purification process of the Word of God. There is NO book in the English language that compares to the King James Bible. It is written in the simplest language of all the Bibles. It is funny that these Bible claim to be simpler, but used more complex words in their version. It is remarkable that the King James Bible was translated word for word from the Greek text while the others translated thought for thought and sentence for sentence. This allows the interpreter to interject their own doctrines and teachings into the version. Immediately following this statement on the purification of the King James Bible is the major doctrine that God shall KEEP the Word of the Bible forever and God shall PRESERVE the Words of the Bible forever. This the doctrine of Preservation of the Bible. This is a CARDINAL Doctrine of the Bible and a Cardinal teaching. Either God has kept his Word or he is a liar. Either God is able to keep his Word, or he can NOT keep your salvation and the promise of keeping your salvation is a LIE. Every other Bible tampers with verse 7 of this text. They assign it to the people in verse above. They do NOT like this verse or this teaching so they do away with it. Some people miss this and I can understand that, but to deliberately chance this verse and approve of it is a SERIOUS matter. Yes, the King James Bible has been updated at least 4 times. These update have mostly done with spelling since spelling was NOT standardized at that time. The 1611 spelling is hard for us to understand so most of us carry the later spellings. I do not believe this in any way compromises the inspiration of God’s Word in the King James Bible. I also am aware of those Bibles out there that tamper with the words of the King James Bible. I avoid using those Bibles. I know there is problems with the Nelson Bible, but I will not attack people for carrying this Bible. I turned in my Nelson Bible when I found out it tampered with the text. You can do as the LORD leads you. I believe the King James Bible is the Word of God and I have faith that God is able and willing to preserve his Word. Why is this so important to me? God’s inspiration and preservation is important in the saving of souls and having the Power of God in our church services. Yes, God can save souls and show his power where his Bible is absent, but the degree of that power and the ability for souls to be saved is much more intense and concentrated than at these other places. That’s a good reason for me to carry and use the King James Bible. You can carry the other versions and God out of his great mercy will allow you to do so, but I will not take that chance if I can do anything about it. I hope this helps someone. I know there will be arguments long after I’m gone about the nature of this message and issue. I’ve heard them and you are not going to change my mind on this subject. I hope you have a good day. Father God, Thank you for showing me the King James Bible and the teaching behind it. Thank you for allowing me to carry the King James Bible. Thank you the Savior that died for me. Thank you for allowing me to cry for your Son. Thank you for Calvary. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 14:09:05 +0000

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