How is everyone liking this AMAZING weather we are having? Since - TopicsExpress


How is everyone liking this AMAZING weather we are having? Since our Texas temperatures are dropping, here are a few tips to keep your pet(s) safe! 1) Remember - Cold weather may worsen some medical conditions such as arthritis. Call our office if this might be an issue. 2) Just like people, pets’ cold tolerance can vary from pet to pet based on their coat, body fat stores, activity level, and health. Be aware of your pet’s tolerance for cold weather, and adjust accordingly.If you need help determining your pet’s temperature limits, consult your veterinarian. 3) Cats and dogs should be kept inside during cold weather. It’s a common belief that dogs and cats are resistant than people to cold weather because of their fur, but it’s untrue.No pet should be left outside for long periods of time in below-freezing weather. 4) Make some noise: A warm vehicle engine can be an appealing heat source for outdoor and feral cats, but it’s deadly. Check underneath your car, bang on the hood, and honk the horn before starting the engine to encourage feline hitchhikers to abandon their roost under the hood. 5) Prevent poisoning: Clean up any antifreeze spills quickly, as even small amounts of antifreeze can be deadly. 6) Protect family: Odds are your pet will be spending more time inside during the winter, so it’s a good time to make sure your house is properly pet-proofed. 7) Avoid ice: When walking your dog, stay away from frozen ponds, lakes and other water. 8) Provide shelter: We don’t recommend keeping any pet outside for long periods of time, but if you are unable to keep your dog inside during cold weather, provide him/her with a warm, solid shelter against wind. 9) Recognize problems: If your pet is whining, shivering, seems anxious, slows down or stops moving, seems weak, or starts looking for warm places to burrow, get them back inside quickly because they are showing signs of hypothermia. 10) Feed well: Keep your pet at a healthy weight throughout the winter. Some pet owners feel that a little extra weight gives their pet some extra protection from cold, but the health risks associated with that extra weight don’t make it worth doing.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Oct 2013 00:17:04 +0000

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