Hubby bid on a tiller soooo We will be starting us a garden to - TopicsExpress


Hubby bid on a tiller soooo We will be starting us a garden to support my habit! Lol :-D. We already know how to make,maintain and grow a garden weve lived here for 10 years and Id say for about half of that time we always used to have us a 10x10 garden in our back yard, we did great, grew lots and lots of squash,tomato,water melon,strawberries,jalapenos,onions,lettuce and more, but life happened, we got lazy, stopped biking, stopped gardening,started eating out more,started gaining. So its time to turn this back around ,I like the old me and life better! Feeling joyful and empowered :-D. Yeasterday at a cookout it was one of the many time in the last 6 months that I have excepted and had self control over food, believe me its a test very day, But it get so much easier over time, especially when u ur self can see ur own results in ur body starring back at u. It was not that hard to stuff my face with my granola,yogurt, and pineapples out of my little emergency pack I bring almost everywhere with me, while everyone else was eating my old favorite chips and onion dip! I did not slip up I picked and ate only healthy and real out of all the food around AND THE BEST PART IS IT WASNT THAT HARD ,I DIDNT GET DEPRESSED LIKE I USED TO! I used to let food control me and now the tables have turned! Food used to bandaid my feelings,hurt,depression, I thought it made me feel happy while I ate what made me fat, but I always remember after that happy food high was over Id be so disappointed and feel like a failure, knowing I did not nourish my body I poisoned it! FOOD CAN NOT MAKE U HAPPY IF ITS DOING BAD THINGS TO UR BODY! We have to face our fears, hurts,depression,and stop hiding them in our food and eating! I had gone through hard times in marriage and life in these last 10 years and I did let food sooth and comfort me, but those days are over, Im healing my self with Gods love and nourishing foods, instead of bandaiding the problem, Ive excepted things that have happened in my life and now working toward healing in all areas! I owe all this unblindfolding and knowledge given to me to God, the giver of life, he is giving me my life back.Amen Love Sheila P.S. I JUST WEIGHED MYSELF AND TODAY I LOST ANOTHER POUND AND A HALF, JUST SINCE YESTERDAY!!! So now this is the most Ive lost yet 42.3 pounds off!!! IVE ONLY GOT 29.7 POUNDS TO LOSE BY 4-14-15 GO ME!!! IM MORE THAN CONFIDENT THAT I CAN GET THAT PLUS MORE OFF! I will willingly go where ever my body healthily takes me AMEN AMEN AMEN
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 15:37:01 +0000

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