I AM CATCHING UP ON MESSAGES WHICH HAD DROPPED IN WHILE I WAS SLEEPING. SO BEAR WITH ME PEOPLE. ---------------------------------- Anoline Karegyesa UgandaYouth Platform Uyp UPDATE: WHY GEN. SEJUSA CANNOT MEET MR. MUSEVENI AND WHY GOVERNMENT LIED OVER HIS RETURN TO KAMPALA! By Uganda Youth Platform, Email: uypnews@gmail 02nd December 2015 Indeed its catch 22 for Mr. Museveni, as Hon. Nambooze Betty (MP) stated, AS FAR AS The General’s return is concerned! I agree with Hon. Nambooze that NRM government propagandists want Ugandans believe that the regime facilitated his return. NRM Spokesman, Ofwono opondo opened his eyes and lied in day light that they (NRM government) had bought a return ticket. This was a lie and still a lie. It’s a typical bad tactic used by desperate regimes to hold onto grass, to avoid embarrassment in the eyes of the wananchi – the masses. As Uganda Youth Platform, we want to bring to your attention that The General has never had and will never have intentions to be in bed again with the current dictatorial regime. The General’s message has always been very clear. Mr. Museveni rule is out of context. The General has been consistent in his character to oppose the personal and patronized rule of Mr. Museveni, right from the bush to present day. What is happening now is the epitome of the struggle to remove Mr. Museveni from power and it’s the right time. Mr. Museveni knows it’s time-up for him to go. That is why he makes desperate moves. Today, 02nd December 2015, several trucks of soldiers have sealed off The General’s home, reportedly in a desperate move to have The General meet Mr. President. This confirms further that they lied to the public on whatever they said upon his return. First and far most, government said The General was on assignment in London. This was a lie. Since when did a dictatorial regime reveal its spies, deployed on even very sensitive assignments like espionage against the regime’s opposition. This was lie number one. It was intended to spoil the image of The General. General’s personality is growing stronger every day. He is very straight and all-embracing to all Ugandans, that is why he was welcomed by crowds back to Kampala. Remember, Ugandan police always disrupts public gatherings like what they did to General’s welcoming crowds at Masaka, Kyengera, Busega, etc. The General is a warrior who wins battles and wars. His next victory will be to uproot Mr. Museveni from power. That is why Mr. Museveni is desperate to meet him privately. It will not happen. Secondly, government said that The General would not withstand winter conditions in UK. They further lied that The General was ill and weak, because he could not afford to live in London. How can a dictatorial government still rely on an ill and health wise weak person, to handle a bigger assignment? This was a lie. This is not true. There a people much older (80 years and above) still living in UK, and other much colder climates, and they continue to live a healthier life. The General has never fallen sick, looks healthier and strong. He is a very determined person, who accomplishes what he starts. Mr. Museveni knows The General abilities, and he fears him 311 Period! Thirdly, Mr. Ofwono Opondo lied that government had paid for his air ticket. One air ticket from London to Uganda costs approximately USD 1,000 on British Airways. This is such little money for The General to pay. Even to a lay person this was a lie. How would a government pay for air ticket, at the same time abuse the beneficiary publicly like what Ofwono did to a full General. This shows how unethical this regime is. Buying a ticket was a lie. The General said it right away that he bought his own ticket using a debit card, arranged his return journey and was welcomed by his family and lawyers. What the regime did was to pose at the airport. It sent the ISO Director at the Entebbe airport to welcome back The General. The ISO Director is not a diplomat, he is an army man with arresting powers, not diplomatic honors. In fact, The General told him and his team not to salute for him, or even take a photo. That is why there is no airport picture of The General at arrival. He was not interested in salutes. His mission is beyond saluting. It was spin, to hoodwink Ugandans that The General was part of the regime. Fourthly, Mr. Museveni’s interest and eagerness to meet The General really shows how all they have been saying are broad day lies. If Mr. Museveni had met The General before, there is no way he would desperate want to meet him again in his private home in Rwakitura. Mr. Museveni is desperate to meet The General, Gen. David Sejusa at his private home in Rwakitura. This is not a private meeting, if it was to happen. Mr. Museveni has always manipulated the opposition, but there are those he cannot manipulate. The General, Gen. David Sejusa, can never be such a victim. He is of the same rank like Mr. Museveni. He is also a former member of the High Command. He is more educated, peace loving and a democrat by virtues and practice. The General believes in OPEN and FREE SPACE. He has a track record of an independent mind. He has always defended the interests of a common man in the corridors of power, when he was still a serving officer. It was him, Col. Besigye and Sserwanga Lwanga who proposed, defended and won the battle to open political space for political parties. Him and the other two, are the fore fathers of multi-party politics in Uganda. Though multi-party politics is being suffocated by NRM, there is hope that laws like Public Order Management Act will be repealed once a new government comes to power. This is the time Ugandans will be free and united. Ugandans will enjoy their full rights, and achieve their aspirations such as better salaries, federal system of government, jobs, security and peace all over Uganda. In our next article, we shall show you HOW NRM HATES AND KEEPS ON DESTROYING THE YOUTH GENERATION IN UGANDA! This is part of our series titled HOW NRM HAS MIS-DEVELOPED UGANDA! Our articles un-veil facts on how development in Uganda is deceptive, diversionary and very little to brag about. We want to show you that the development we see is so little compared to what it should have been, and Ugandans should not be deceived that Uganda is developing. We shall you how the NRM regime hates Ugandans and so much loves non-Ugandans! Keep reading! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Uganda Youth Platform, (A Member of Gen. Sejusa Return Committee) Ugandan Youth, The Future Lies in Our Hands.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 16:25:59 +0000

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