I FOUND THE STRENGTH AND COURAGE TO THINK FOR MYSELF AS A WOMAN Never underestimate the power of women - A phrase I used in my teenage years to torment my insufferable Maths teacher.If women are arguably the majority, why have we failed to realise fully just how powerful we are? It is time for women to wake up, stand up, speak out and make our numbers count, Open our eyes and see the the great untapped potential to achieve far more than weve been led to believe. Women are wives, mothers, sisters, cousins, aunts, nieces and friends - they help to shape the minds of children, family & friends throughout their lives. Women are teachers, assistance, secretaries, nurses, doctors, technicians, researchers, writers, artists, scientists, speakers, politicians, judges, police officers, business owners, therapists, dancers, runners, athletes, CEOs and much much more - We control much of what happens in daily life. Yet we have not united as much as we should have. We unite for breast cancer fund raising to help with research and other great causes. But we need to unite together to show that we will NOT be controlled by those who wish to suppress us. The days of domination over women are numbered. Around the world women are finding their own strength, confidence and power. Women were once honoured, seen as divine due to the fact that a woman brings forth life. Why and how did we lose the respect we once had? Because men feared the strength andwh power of women. Its why they separate women to reduce their power. They isolate us because they know that united we can overcome this oppression. Now that women out number men in general, the fear of women has lit the fire to dominate women again so that they will no longer be a threat. I say: Find your strength & courage! Stand with your sisters and shout! NO MORE DOMINATION! NO MORE LAWS TO CONTROL US! WE WILL BE HEARD! WE WILL STAND UNITED! WE WILL BE FREE!
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 18:56:02 +0000

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