I Like American History, I always have. I crave things to read, - TopicsExpress


I Like American History, I always have. I crave things to read, stories to be heard, and documents to be read. The Confrontations and Arguments of the Sheep Herders, the Cattlemen and the Sod Busters keeps coming to mind lately. They all had valid points. They were all right in their own requirements allowed. The Cattlemen were right to say You cant work a plow out here on this range, Its okay to drift a few cows across but the sheep will cut it to close to survive the dry. and the winds will blow your crops away. The Sod Busters were right to claim the fertile bottom lands where their crops would grow strong and bear enough for all. The Sheep and Goats do need to be on the mountain over there keeping it clean. Then came the Technology wars. Smelly Tractors making all that noise running the game off the homestead. Having to spend good money to buy fuel and maintenance costs, nasty oil making a mess and hard to wipe off your hands. Mules are out there on the pasture, are you too lazy to hook one up? The whole time the Tractor is pulling 3 turn rows instead of one and getting more done in a day then 10 mule teams could. Provided the Land was suitable to run on on or youd be figuring out how to turn it back over and get it out of that ravine. Fathers struggled, managed to scrape by, and sent their Sons off to school in hopes of a better life. Mothers chores were never done. She spent her time praying for a better life for her children. The Sons returned and the Arguments started all over again. Chemicals are now entering the picture. Spray for this and that and while we are at it lets toss in some of this and see what else we can kill. I hate to plow. Lets start spraying the livestock too. Fathers are resistant and a few are persistent as well which is a good thing. Everyone had to admit yields were higher with the introduction of fertilizers. There were less flies on the cows with certain sprays. And taking care of the crops when you used that weed killer in between the rows ( You still had to hoe the rows in the early years). It was years before people started noticing the fishing was off . The rabbits that ate from the weed rows were gone. The Quail no longer flushed when you went out to feed the cows. Beautiful birds like the Carolina Parakeet that once flew in great flocks. So great many of our forefathers have written stories in great lengths and studies of the huge flocks of them, How the brilliant yellows would catch the sun when they flew by. The great comforts in this wilderness their songs would bring. They no longer exist. But, the Silos were full, and they sent the Grandsons off to school. While the technology grew with the demand and dreams of some, and tractors became huge with multiple drive wheels to pull draft loads beyond any ones dreams a few years earlier. The Schools also grew. The Grandsons no longer studies in a classroom. They now were in Laboratories. Things like Genetics and DNA came into focus. Wheels went to turning and minds went to racing and space aged programming was on TV. Building a new idea in the minds of some. GMOs Enter........ Genetically Modified Organic...... I know a farmer that raises many many many acres of corn. I asked him last year about purchasing some directly from him, This would not be a problem. The problem came in when I was told Now you cant eat this corn, it is only good as feed corn, It will make you sick Im sorry, Im not feeding my critters anything that I would not eat myself. While putting Pesticide and Herbicide into a seed kernel may be the way to go for production. Is it the best thing for the people that you stared off trying to benefit? Is feeding steroids and and antibiotics consistently the best thing for the public and production? Is spraying the spinach fields with salmonella tainted waste the best thing to do just because it is convenient? This is where we are today with the Argument continuing. It is no longer our Fathers or our Fathers Fathers debate. It is ours.. and We can not put it off on anyone else. Do we tell our grand children about the great covies of Quail we once saw and listened to at night or do we show them to them and talk about the way we once destroyed them and corrected the problems? We could sit back and see what happens while the quail continue to die off from the tainted seeds they thought they could raise their young off of, but they all died. The coyotes are doing well from it though, They have about caught all the rabbits that moved away from the fields. Its a New Year, Lets face it with open eyes and hearts. Stand up for whatever you believe in, which ever side you choose, Choose it because you believe it is truly the best thing for everyone concerned. You dont have to kill everything to make a profit. Profits are to be made from doing the right thing every time.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 15:55:47 +0000

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