I PRAY FOR OUR CHILDREN: FATHER GOD, in the name of Jesus - TopicsExpress


I PRAY FOR OUR CHILDREN: FATHER GOD, in the name of Jesus I speak forth life to those dead places in parents who love you and claim Your name and bow before it! Draw those parents who don’t know you, and save them to the utmost in Jesus name! I speak healing to infants in the womb of mothers, for children are a heritage of the Lord and the fruit of the womb is their reward. I speak life to our children who are engaged in violent activities within our communities, for many do not know what they do cause they are snared in the clutches of satan and his demons. I speak release to each one of these children----satan, release them and set them free, in the name of Jesus! You shall not have our seed; the blood of Jesus is against you satan, in Jesus name! I speak protection to those youngsters who would do right, but who are encouraged or forced by the wayward to do otherwise-----oh, glory to God! The angels of God are right now dispersed to protect and guide them, and bring them back home safely. No pistols shall gun them down in the classroom or streets, taking their young lives before time. Thank you, God for overshadowing our children with Your ministering angels to guide and protect them, in Jesus name! I declare and decree a ‘turnaround’ in our neighborhoods, from violence and death, to life in Christ Jesus!! Father, I commission Your angels to visit that child who is considering suicide as a way out! I speak to the spirit of that child and employ it to listen to the Spirit of the Most High God who beckon you to the throne room to be made free from these wiles of the devil! I speak deliverance to that sorrowing soul, in the name of Jesus, and I say “live” for God is with you. You shall live and not die, but live and declare the works of our Lord God!! All discouragement and spirits of suicide, I speak to you, ‘be gone, in Jesus name; leave this child, I command you, in the authority and dominion that Jesus has given me!” Be gone, I say, in Jesus name and by the precious blood He shed for this child! Spirit of Most High reign in that place! Ohhhhhhhhh, glory to God!! It’s done! It’s done! Hallelujah! Father, I establish Your Word upon this earth, for it is already forever settled in heaven. Nothing is too hard or too impossible for You to do. All things are possible to us that believe. I pray for more intercessors to stand with us, and that You let our words be set forth as incense before You—a sweet fragrance to you! So Be it! So be it! In Jesus’ Precious Name!!
Posted on: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 13:15:51 +0000

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