I Want you ALL to STOP JUDGING YOUR PROGRESS on YOUR WEIGHT. YOUR WEIGHT is an arbitrary number that fluctuates based on multiple factors - throughout the day and throughout the month and doesnt measure fat vs muscle, does not take into account your water balance, is a terrible meter or progress - ESPECIALLY when you think it needs to be lower to be better. You get this idea from stupid magazines that want to sell you on an airbrushed image - think about how many times youve eagerly picked up a copy of a magazine that said lose 20 pounds in a week! or whatever - we get indoctrinated into this mentality that its about the weight. Losing FAT is different than losing WEIGHT. I want you to feel great about your body, inside and out, and being skinny or weighing a certain number is NOT a measure of your health. I was approached MULTIPLE times by diet companies who wanted me to run their challenges after I hosted the first few of my own. And I turned them all down. Because 99.9% of them focus on weight loss which is an insidious marketing ploy designed to keep you from EVER being happy with your appearance. Its total BS. In my challenges, we focus on losing fat, and on getting fit! Even if you dont see major changes on the outside, taking the weekly pictures is important because when you line them all up in 4 weeks there IS going to be something to see. If you do the workouts, and do your best with the guidelines I give you on food. It happens EVERY single challenge to the people who stay in the game. Despite their doubts. Despite their fears. They see results. Your doubts and fears are all totally a natural part of this process. Youre here to learn and get your ass kicked and feel like the rockstar you are - and Im not going to sit back and let you tell yourself youre doing it wrong because the dumb scale spit out a number youre telling yourself is bad! When it comes to weighing yourself vs. progress pictures and how your clothes fit, it is the expectation of ourselves that needs to shift, not the documentation of the process. Someone made a great comment this morning about how it took her a lot longer than a week to put the weight on and it was going to take longer than 3 workouts for it to come off but she felt STRONGER INSIDE. Thats going to start showing on the OUTSIDE for her soon if she keeps it up. Taking those pictures is part of the ritual of process - do not be disappointed in yourself - remember honestly taking a look at ourselves can be a great motivator - but JUDGING yourself for a number that does not actually accurately measure your body composition is a self-defeating practice and it WILL harm you. I support and encourage the process of weekly photos - its a lot healthier than weigh ins. And I support and encourage EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU to think about WHY you signed up for this challenge. Do you want to live a long, healthy life in a beautiful body that supports and sustains you? You get the body you want by focusing on building it from the ground up, not in quick fixes and diet foods that come in a box. Thats why I send you an email EVERY DAY so you can add in a little more knowledge to the tank to help you on your amazing journey. REMEMBER...youre the STAR of this movie. You dont have to know everything today or this week or be perfect - you ARE perfect right now, and youre exactly where youre supposed to be!! I just used the search tool in the challenge group and looked up the word disappointed and I was sad to see so many of you beating yourselves up for how much you weight. Please stop. Stop weighing yourselves and judging yourselves just on this stupid number. There is so much more to it - and to you - than that. Love you!!
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 22:06:28 +0000

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