I agree with alot of this. Some not so much. I will post for all - TopicsExpress


I agree with alot of this. Some not so much. I will post for all to read. (theawakeningshift/articles/The Awakening Shift ) What is the Awakening Shift? The awakening shift is a deep and profound awakening in our consciousness that is causing a shift in how we experience our world. I define consciousness as simply our level of awareness, how attuned we are to all that is unfolding in our world- externally and internally. So as we become more conscious, what is actually changing is the rate at which the energy of our thoughts and emotions vibrate. The most credible work on the vibratory rate of consciousness has been done by Dr David Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. and presented in his book Power vs. Force. Dr. Hawkins has developed a scale that shows the vibratory rate of various emotions, attitudes and perceptions. Studying his information is a real eye opener on exactly how powerful your thoughts and emotions are. As our consciousness vibrates at a higher level, our bodies and our world begin to vibrate at a higher rate also. Our bodies are becoming less and less dense, and expressing more as energy and light. This in turn causes us to experience our world at a higher vibration. As we move up the scale from fear, anger and pride to love, joy and peace, the events in our outer world change to match the level where we are vibrating in our body and consciousness. Another way to say this is that we are moving from a materialistic world to a spiritual world. Literally we are becoming a new kind of human – our bodies are mutating, our consciousness is expanding and our old world is dropping away. Is it the end of the world? It is not the end of the world, as portrayed in the movie 2012. It is simply the end of time/the world as we know it. In actuality it is a new beginning of a world very different from what we now have. How this will unfold has not yet been determined. The human race has a huge say in what actually does transpire and it will be determined by the choices we make. You’ll easily see that this is true, if you understand that how the world unfolds each moment is simply an expression of the vibratory rate of all beings on the planet at that time. So you definitely have a vote in what our New Earth will look like. As more and more people vibrate higher and higher, it raises the rate of vibration of the mass consciousness. Every thought and action you have is added to the sum of the consciousness of the Earth and causes it to rise. There is a ripple effect called the tipping point, which creates a shift once a certain mass has been reached. In his book The Tipping Point, Malcolm Gladwell writes about how this works. So I believe the awakening shift is much more about emotional earthquakes and tsunamis shaking and washing away our paradigms and world view than it is about physical happenings in our world. Many people will sudden realize that what they believe to be true about the world simply is no longer true for them. If you have ever had this happen in your life, you know that having your secure view of the world swept away can be life shattering. Of course, there is no way to know for sure what will happen. But of much more concern to me, is how skillfully the people of the earth will be able to shift their consciousness to align with changing energies rather than worry about an asteroid hitting the Earth. When will it happen? It is happening right now. A major confusion about the awakening shift is that on December 21, 2012, some dramatic change will impact earth and some believe the world will come to an end on that day. I believe the Change Is Happening Right Now!! We are in the midst of the change and coming down to the wire with just three more years to go. When 2012 comes, the most challenging part will be over and we will be starting a new beginning. We are in a time period that I have labeled the “path of awakening” which was activated to a higher level 25 years ago at the Harmonic Convergence on August 16 and 17, 1987. There is not one clear end date. I believe it is more accurate to look at the awakening shift as occurring over a period or zone of time. Most experts give the date of December 21, 2012 as the big day. However another very highly respected scholar, Johan Calleman, who has researched the Mayan calendar thoroughly, gives the end date as October 28, 2011. His end date involves endings on a huge scale. He has developed a Chart of world Ages which began at the big bang 16 million years ago and ends on October 28, 2011 according to his calculations. If you want to explore his theories more, you may want to read his book or go to his website. Energetically I feel that both dates are important and that definitely energy shifts will happen on those days, but the big work to be done is Right Now!! Who will it happen to? Will it happen to people who don’t believe it? Will part of my family miss the shift and be separated from me? The shift will happen to all beings on planet earth. It will happen to people who don’t believe it, your family friends…everyone. If you recall my explanation of the tipping point above, that explains how the shift will engulf the planet. You may also know this principle as the hundredth monkey phenomena developed by Rupert Sheldrake. He found that once information had reached a certain mass, it spreads spontaneously through the energy field that connects us all and causes a shift. So you don’t need to worry about leaving friends and family behind in the old world. This question come up a lot in my classes because people are afraid there will be two different worlds and their loved ones will not end up in the same one as they are in. What can I do to prepare? The most important thing you can to do is to wake up to what is now happening on the planet, and begin to educate yourself on how to live in a the world of energy along with the physical world. Wake up! Waking up is all about increasing your awareness. Remember, I defined consciousness as simply our level of awareness, how attuned we are to all that is unfolding in our world- externally and internally. If you want to wake up to a bigger world view, you may want to read my article Five Foundation Principles of the Awakening Shift to learn about five principles that I suggest will create the foundation of our new world. Another way to wake up is to become aware of the dual nature of reality. Learn to be aware of the world of energy that surrounds every area of your 3rd dimensional life. The next step will be to consciously tend to that world. And the final awakening will be to go beyond the Law of Attraction and realize that your entire reality is an illusion which you have created. Learn to Live in the World of Energy! Your biggest assignment in the next three years and beyond 2012 will be to expand your world beyond your daily 3rd dimensional life and become aware of the energy component of each area of your life. What that means is to know that your solid body has a complex energy component consisting of an aura, chakras, and meridians and that it needs to be care for just like your physical body. That, in fact, its health determines the health of your physical body. Embracing such modalities as energy healing, aromatherapy, flower essences plus a whole array of others modalities could help you to raise your energy body vibration to match the vibration on the planet as it increases. Become aware of the energy field of your home, office and car. Know that each one has an energy component along with the physicality that it expresses. Going green is the first step as that will heal aspects of your environment but you’ll need to become aware that the homes energy field consists of chi and also needs to be balanced and cleansed. Feng Shui is the process that works to balance and cleanse the energy in your environment. Another important area is communication. You are already familiar with the energy component which is known as nonverbal communication or the vibes you give off. You have probably already learned some skills of how to use nonverbal communication. But now you’ll need to go even deeper and learn to communicate nonverbally through psychic connection, intuition, knowing etc. And so every area of your physical world has an energy component and you’ll need to develop the skills to live in a dual world of materiality and energy. This I believe is what the coming changes are all about – simply awakening to an infinite part of ourselves and our world. Five Foundation Principles of the Awakening Shift Important and dramatic shifts are happening in our lives. To make sense of these changing times, you may need to embrace new ideas about the nature of our world. Here are five principles that I see as forming the foundation for our new world. These five concepts offer you a new way of looking at the world. Understanding and embracing these principles can help you align with the new energies which will make your life much easier in the years ahead. Principle #1 – A Consciousness Shift is now happening on this planet. This is an easy principle to embrace since you have been personally experiencing it for several years now. Many of you, reading this blog, have deeply embraced this principle and have been working to support the shift. This is the underlying concept that supports several of the other principles, so I am presenting it as the first building block of your foundation. Just to be clear, I define consciousness as simply our level of awareness, how attuned we are to all that is unfolding in our world- externally and internally. As we become more conscious, we perceive the world at deeper and deeper layers. To understanding how there could even be a consciousness shift, you’ll need to remind yourself of what the concept E=MC2 means – that everything in your world is energy – your house, car, clothes. All that looks solid is really simply energy vibrating at a low rate that makes it seem solid. Our consciousness is also energy vibration. What is changing now on the planet is that as we become more aware, we are raising the vibration of our consciousness. Dr David Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. has done some excellent work, through his Institute of Advanced Spiritual Research, with consciousness. He developed a scale that shows the vibratory rate of various aspects of consciousness. His work shows that as we move up the scale from fear, anger and pride to love, joy and peace, our consciousness vibrates higher and higher affecting how we live our life and how we treat other beings and the earth. Principle #2 A New Species of Human is Evolving The consciousness shift is creating a new species of human on the earth. As our consciousness vibrates at a higher level, our bodies and our world begin to vibrate at a higher rate also. Our bodies are becoming less and less dense, and expressing more as energy and light. There have been several names suggested for this new being. Homo spiritus is the name given by Dr. David Hawkins, to beings that are awake and vibrating at a high level according to his scale. Alberto Villoldo, anthropologist and shaman, has labeled the new human homo luminous, to indicate that we are becoming beings whose energy fields are vibrating higher and becoming more luminous. And Barbara Hand Clow, Cherokee elder and writer, calls the new human homo pacem, to indicate we are becoming a species focused on peace. Principle #3 A New Earth is Birthing As our consciousness shifts and the new human evolves, we contribute to the birthing of a new Earth through behavior that vibrates higher on the consciousness scale. Love, joy and peace vibrate above 500 on the scale and as more and more humans function at that level, their collective energy raises the energy in the earth’s noosphere. This is the global mind or earth’s mind. The New Earth will exist on the energy level referred to as the 5th dimension rather than on the solid earthly level, referred to as the 3rd dimension. In learning to live in the new world, we will be shifting our attention to the world of energy and focusing on how to make the transition of living in an energy world rather than a material world. What I mean by that is humans will need to become aware of the dual aspect of every area of your life. While we are already attuned to the ordinary 3rd dimensional world, on the New Earth, we will need to become aware of the energy component of each area of our life. We will then need to attend to that just as we do our material needs. For instance, every area of your life has an energy component. Your physical body has an energy field called the aura. Your home also has an energy component called chi, which is the focus of Feng Shui. The energy component of water was shown by Dr. Masaru Emoto’ s work with ice crystals . Even your words have an energy component known as your nonverbals. So on the New Earth that is birthing, you’ll need to become as aware of that level of your being as you are presently of the physical level. The main focus of this blog will be to give information on how to become aware of and work with the energy component in all areas of your life. Principle #4 The Universe is Alive and is Populated by Sentient Beings – the Earth, Planets and Stars. The concept that the earth is a living organism was developed by James Lovelock in the ‘60s and is known as the “Gaia Principle”. Some cutting edge thinkers have taken that concept one step farther and say that the earth is an alive sentient being with a consciousness. I subscribe to that version of the principle. What I am saying is that the earth is not just a big hunk of rock and dirt whirling around the Sun. That is has aliveness, consciousness and awareness!! Indigenous people have a natural connection with this aliveness and in South America she is called Pachamama, meaning Mother Earth. The green movement has brought more awareness to the needs of the earth, but I am suggestion that we go beyond green and look at the aliveness of the earth from a perspective of consciousness and not just from the aliveness of the molecules that makeup the earth. We need to become more informed about her energy body, which consist of ley lines, energy vortexes, energy grids and the noosphere or earth’s mind. Developing an awareness of all of these aspects of the earth will be one facet of the Awakening Shift. This principle leads naturally to the next conclusion, which is that if the earth is alive, so are Jupiter, Mars, Venus and all the planets…and our sun, the stars, the galaxies. If we accept this principle, we are embracing the concept that we live in an aware, alive universe of sentient beings – quite a mind stretching thought. Principle #5 – Earthlings are Becoming Galactic Citizens This last principle is based on seeing ourselves as more than just earthlings, but as a part of a galactic community, that is made up of beings from other planets, star systems and galaxies. As we embrace this bigger view, we’ll realize that it is only a matter of time before we eventually join that galactic community through first contact. Our scientists are working diligently through astrobiology to glean information about life in our universe. They have found planets in other star systems that they think can support life and have possibly found water on Mars and Europa, one of Jupiter’s moons. This body of work, officially established by NSAA in 1960, has grown in the last few years so much that even the Catholic Church issued a statement saying “that life beyond our world is not inconsistent with our doctrine”. Many of us already know of the existence of beings from other realms because we have experienced connection with them on other planes and work with them regularly. So for some, this is an easy step to take. For others, it may mean adjusting personal religious beliefs that do not allow for existence of life other than on this planet. I believe that crop circles represent the most physical of evidence that we currently have of life existing in the universe. Clearly, most of the circles are made by a force off the planet. These circles are messages from our star brothers and sisters connecting with us in a way that we can handle. When humans have raised their consciousness enough to put aside fear and be able to experience contact without going into fear and chaos, then the time will be ripe for first contact. I am presenting these five principles as a way to give you a broader view of the world. Looking at the world through these filters can allow you see possibilities and have understandings that are not possible from a more limited old world view.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Jul 2013 00:57:45 +0000

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