I am about to the point of revolt: Declaration of Independence - TopicsExpress


I am about to the point of revolt: Declaration of Independence from the Republican Party When in the Course of human events, in order to ensure the promise of a constitutionally-established Republic, it becomes necessary for one group of people to flee their former Representation, and to assume among the powers of the earth the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident: • That a political Party ought to abide by the Founding Documents of the Country in which it exists; • That all Citizens seeking representation in a Republic deserve to be heard without exploitation or vilification; • That Representatives and Party Leaders ought to heed the Voice of those they purport to represent; • That Representatives are servants and not rulers of those for whom they speak, deriving their power from the people as their elected spokesmen; and • That Representatives are, in fact, spokesmen, sent to take the message of their constituents to their Government, not authoritarians inflicting a Party’s message upon their people. Whenever any political Party becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the Citizens to flee from its neglect and institute a new Party, laying its foundation on the United States Constitution. As a long train of abuses has shown evidence that the Republican Party no longer Represents Conservative, Constitutional thought, it is the right, it is duty of Conservatives to throw off such Representation and provide new Representation for their future security. The recent history of the Republican Party is a history of repeated injuries and abuses, all having as their object the fundamental transformation of a Representative Government into an Oligarchy of Elected Officials. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world. • It has noted sinister, negligent and/or unconstitutional dealings within the Federal Government but has done little or nothing to bring to justice or halt those responsible or to withhold the Power of the Purse for support of such dealings. • It has denigrated Conservatives in an attempt to dismiss our Voice and call into question the validity of our concerns. • It has conducted secret negotiations on legislation with the Democrat Party without consent or support from Conservative Senators, Representatives and voters--with survival of the Republican Party being its chief end rather than representation of those who sent them to Washington as delegates. • It has continually voted with Democrats to raise the debt ceiling to levels injurious to the future of our Nation. • It has purposefully moved to the Left of Conservative thought, at great peril to this Country, in an effort to secure its own power and employment. • The Party Leadership has, through vengeance or perceived embarrassment, removed Conservative Representatives from Committee Leadership roles. • It has aligned itself with liberal thought, ignoring the Voice and Will of its own electorate, in negotiating the security of our borders at a time of international terrorism. In all these abuses, it has knowingly misled voters by abandoning its advertised Conservative principles and has publicly dismissed the outcries of its Conservative base. In every stage of these abuses, we have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: by email, by phone, and through Peaceable Assemblies. Our repeated petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Party whose Leaders and actions thus embody a Tyrannical form of Governance, is unfit to Represent a Free People. We, therefore, the Conservative people of the United States of America, in United Voice, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do solemnly publish and declare that we Conservatives are, and of Right ought to be, a Free and Independent Party; that we are Absolved from Allegiance to the Republican Party and that all political connection between us and the Republican Party is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as a Free and Independent Party we have the full power to nominate Candidates, hold conventions, raise funds, have a National voice and to do all other acts and things which ensures our Representation in the United States Government. And for the support of this Declaration, believing it to be in the best interest of defending Truth, we seek the help and protection of divine Providence and mutually pledge to each other our sobriety of thought, dedication of will, and determination of purpose.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 23:23:03 +0000

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