I am beginning to get really irritated with those who think I do - TopicsExpress


I am beginning to get really irritated with those who think I do not have a right to a public opinion. As promised in my rant the other day, I will block Chijioke Ngobili right after this post, but I will give him the right to respond if he so wishes. Chijoke and Okwudilichukwu Obu had a tiff. I do not know the details of that tiff but a couple of weeks back, a cretin whose name I do not know nor care to know had the temerity to malign the entire Igbo race because this same Chijioke had made an update referring to people from Enugu and environs as wa wa. A name people from thereabouts find extremely derogatory. I had come on the thread and told the young man to never do an entire race that disservice as it would preclude him from rising to their defence if any other tribe tried to insult them. If you have a personal beef with Chijioke, sort it out personally. I have never hidden the fact that I am proud to be Igbo. Proud of my people and our antecedents. Last week, Okwy made a similar post. If you know Okwy, he can be a drama queen at times, but he exudes rare wisdom. I had found my way to that thread too and had asked Okwy to make that name wawa funky. We should not be worrying about ethnic supremacy at this stage. These are some of the reasons why if I hear talks of seccesion, I laugh at the proposed secceeders. Onwe ho ebe ha ji azu eje - They aint going nowhere backwards. Chijioke came inbox to reprimand me for not responding to Okwy the way I responded to his other antagonist and I told him the approaches were different. I do not go around facebook picking fights and will not join him to fight his fights. I was angry and he knew it. Okwy made a follow up post, I commented on it tagging Chijioke and stating what had transpired between Chijioke and I and expressing my annoyance. This morning the same Chijioke is in my inbox reprimanding me for commenting on Okwys wall. What is wrong with people of Facebook? What? Do some of us feel we have the right to control what others do? What purpose does Chijoke think he would serve by coming inbox to, as far as I am concerned, threaten me? Chijioke, I do not scare easily. Your veiled threats mean absolutely zilch to me for the singular purpose that you do not know who/what you are dealing with. You go around facebook picking fights and ticking people off and you expect me to join you in fights that have nothing to do with me? I have defended people I do not know from Adam provided I feel an affinity with their cause. You are just a bloody rabble rouser, where the heck do you find the temerity to come inbox and issue veiled threats from? You are insufferably impossible and I have tolerated you for too long. Block me now and get that satisfaction...
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 09:17:48 +0000

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