I am often asked whats the difference between VanDemonFitness and - TopicsExpress


I am often asked whats the difference between VanDemonFitness and Crossfit. In asking this question many people are waiting for me to payout Crossfit but its not as simple as this! Crossfit has done great things to bring fitness to people that would otherwise still be sitting on their couch. There is no denying the great work they have done with bringing olympic lifting to the masses. So why is VDF different? While CrossFit employs randomized programing VDF is different because we have different training options depending on your needs and many of our sessions employ periodized programming, and nothing is random! Our sessions have logical progression and depending on the type of session you attend they will be far more strength driven. We work through mesocycles of strength, work capacity and power. Our programming always has a relative strength priority due to its carry over to greater athlete durability. Not only will relative strength be higher in VDF athletes but work capacity of VDF athletes will be pushed higher due to the work capacity cycles being longer in duration to a typical WOD. We also have a far greater emphasis on core strength at VDF driven by our focus on strongman and odd object training rather than a barbell focus. Not all VDF sessions are a race. Your workouts be they a success or failure are yours to ponder, your workouts will never be recorded for others to see, however all can be recorded by the induvidual for future reference. I could have become a Crossfit gym but decided against it as I believe in structured programming and logical progression to training over randomized sessions. This is not a disparaging comment toward Crossfit but simply aims to highlight the difference that VDF employs. Happy training, where ever you choose to train.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 05:22:55 +0000

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