I am reading some very lovely and interesting stuff these days, as - TopicsExpress


I am reading some very lovely and interesting stuff these days, as I do a deep dive into my dissertation research about word and image, about poetry, the divine feminine, creativity, the polarity of life, about integration and synthesis and holding it ALL in its loveliness without feeling a need to become tribal or nationalistic or gender biased (patriarchal/matriarchal), or any of those identity based perspectives that require and include competition and antithesis and glaring contradictions while forgetting that all that is REALLY required is love. The Spanish philosopher and poet Ortega Y Gassat poetically said that love has no need for words, so every time someone (as of late) bounces out of my energy field, or ceases communication, I think of the experience as a manifestation of *the most PERFECT love,* which by virtue of its ability to rest in silence and non-resolution, leaves the door open for continued communion at a deeper level between what Martin Buber would call the I and thou~ learning SO MUCH as I learn that there is a learning but also more of an appreciation and a participation to be had in the dance we call life~
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 21:35:05 +0000

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