I can only presume that both Congresswoman Cathy Castor and Dick - TopicsExpress


I can only presume that both Congresswoman Cathy Castor and Dick Rivera who wrote editorial and articles in our newspaper praising the idea of passing yet another amnesty for illegals (and our politicians) as a good thing, could only do so as not have read the bill. Anyone that has seriously looked at this latest attempt to kick the can down the road for another 20 years knows better. Why pass more laws our govt has no intention of enforcing? Just why would we need more people to use more of what we don’t have? Stimulus. Our pyramid scheme of an economy, and now the world’s, is based on consuming. Ignoring the facts that we do not have jobs, water, gas, or even the money to pay for this travesty bit of legislation, no one should be rewarded for breaking our laws. But, that doesn’t matter, as I mentioned, Stimulus is the goal. It is why our govt does not go after waste and fraud in our govt. It all props up the pyramid. Just think of any other reason why our govt would allow trillions of dollars continually be spent on our fraud riddled programs, fraudulent tax returns, and illegal aliens? It is time to stop all of this nonsense and make our govt do the right thing, enforce our laws and make honesty a top priority. It is time to reward the American Taxpayer, not criminals.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Aug 2013 13:00:06 +0000

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