I condemn the attempt made by the State government to stop and - TopicsExpress


I condemn the attempt made by the State government to stop and frustrate the loudable initiative of Rt. Hon Emeka Ihedioha. The joy of thousands of secondary school children and their teachers from the various local government area of Imo State that came to receive the Science Equipment presented to them by Rt. Hon Emeka Ihedioha in collaboration with The Scientific Equipment Development Institute (SEDI) Enugu would have been thwarted by agents of the state government. The government of Imo State had made serious efforts to stop todays event for reason best known to them, which I consider selfish and absurd. Firstly, they had gone to threaten the authority at Holy Ghost college venue of the programme demanding that they should not release the ground for the event to take place and tagging the occasion as a political rally. It took the swift intervention of His Grace Archbishop AJV Obinna who was in far away United States to secure the approval for the use of the school premises. When the saw that that plan had failed, the government attempted to block Bank road and stop vehicular movement around that area with the guise that they were doing road maintenance. But, they were totally disappointed when orders from above came and warned them against such barbaric power play. Im most disappointed by these actions of the government because the event that took place today was not in any way political. The school children who are the beneficiaries of Rt. Hon. Ihediohas largesse, are not of voting age and has no elective powers. I condemn the governments action in very strong terms and call on the Owelle led administration to be proactive and address the yearning of the people. However, the Deputy Speaker is more worried and concerned with the poor performance of secondary school students in recent times especially in WAEC, NECO, JAMB examinations despite the so called Free Education of the State government. He has painstakenly identified the major causes of our students failure and poor performance. According to Rt. Hon Emeka Ihedioha Free Education MUST be made Qualitative in order to achieve good results. Its highly regretable that in the government secondary schools in Imo State, there are no facilities and equipment to enhance learning and improve the quality of teaching & performance of the students. You hardly find any functional laboratory or libary in the schools. The issue of qualified teachers is a case for another day. The resultant effect of these neglect in the schools is the abysmal performance of students in examinations. For instance, the recent assessment made by the Federal Ministry of education ranked Imo State below our sister States of Abia and Anambra with Imo scoring about 46% in WAEC. Rt. Hon Ihedioha has set the ball rolling as a pacesetter, I call on well meaning Imo sons and daughters to borrow a leaf from him. Together we shall restore the educational pride and dignity of Imo State to the glory of God and betterment of Ndi Imo. #IhediohaMakeThingsHappen.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 22:30:50 +0000

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