I couldn’t sleep again, not because of the flashbacks, but - TopicsExpress


I couldn’t sleep again, not because of the flashbacks, but because I have too much on my mind. I got up and decided to read some more of the book “Into the Light” by Dr. John Lerma, M.D. Dr. Lerma runs a Palliative Care/Hospice Ward and he compiled stories of his dying patients and their angels who would visit them to comfort and relieve them of their pain, and begin to help them prepare for their crossing by removing their fear of dying. One older woman who was dying of ovarian cancer and loved Margarita’s, gave Dr. Lerma this message: “To win the race of life, we must love and teach our children total love and forgiveness, because it is through children that the world will change.” Pretty powerful and if you have smaller babes, read it over a couple of more times! (Even tho I am lacking in sleep, I am having something better than a not so bad day! ) I began to wonder if Corrie saw any angels in her dreams or maybe right before the boats collided with each other. I don’t know why I know this, but I have always believed that Jesus took Corrie’s soul right before the boat hit her. I don’t believe my Lord and Savior would let my baby doll feel that type of pain, or maybe He sent his angels to carry her to safety in Heaven. God would not let my baby be afraid either. Maybe Corrie’s angels were her much loved Grammy Tessie, Grandma Esther, Grandpa and Aunt Corrine. I will never know for sure who they were but I know they were with her and I will continue to send a prayer of thanks for that. When I look back now, I remember when Belle was younger and I would have all kinds of things for the kids to use to create drawings like crayons, glue, pipe cleaners, puffy balls, felt and feathers. I would line the counter with newspapers and tell her to make me a picture (Brian was always on the farm with his daddy!). While she was creating her masterpiece, I would try to clean the kitchen wiping the countertops around her but still be close so we could talk. For the longest time I noticed she would only use a black crayon and when she used the feathers, she would only glue white feathers on her paper. I always tried to get her to use colored feathers, but she wouldn’t. She would use colored crayons, pipe cleaners, felt, etc…but when she used feathers, nothing but white with black crayons. Since Corrie’s death, I have heard from several people that I should watch for white feathers now. Since I didn’t know why, I googled it and here is what I found: ”Spiritually, a white feather is typically seen as a sign from the angel or spirit of a loved one who has passed on. White feathers symbolize faith and protection and are most significant when found in a spot where they are not likely to be, such as inside of a home or an automobile. White feathers are spiritually tied to angels due to the fact that humans associate angels with wings, usually white ones. Finding a white feather after a loved one has passed away brings a sense of comfort during mourning. White symbolizes purity, and many people believe that finding a white feather is a sign that they are on the right path in life. In olden times, feathers signified a variety of things. People placed feathers under the pillows of ill family members and loved ones in order to speed up recovery, and feathers were also placed in doorways to keep unwanted visitors from entering the home. In Native American culture, the appearance of random white feathers signifies rebirth and new beginnings, and feathers are commonly worn on Native American headdresses to symbolize hope and faith as well as to strengthen the connection between the physical and spiritual world.” Maybe Corrie saw Angels when she was little and listened to what they were saying to her and maybe I will be lucky enough to receive a white feather, one that has fallen out of my baby’s wings. Luke 4:10 - For it is written: He will command his angels concerning you to guard you carefully;” My challenge today is to talk to your Guardian Angel. Ask him/her for one of their feathers, and then thank them for helping you throughout the day. This is another way to begin your spiritual path or to make your spiritual journey to God even stronger. Wouldn’t it be fantastic for all of us to get a feather signifying we are on the right path in life? God bless, LET GO LET GOD, Dimes, pink skies & stars, mismatched socks, magic rocks. lost crock pots, wet puppy dog smells, quiet time, holding hands, I LOVE YOU’s, 3 kisses, summer rains, strong daddies, HOPE, PB&J sandwiches, two handed hugs, double rainbows, wax paper art and Unicorns.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 15:32:06 +0000

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