I do not fear handguns. What I do fear is how handguns WILL end - TopicsExpress


I do not fear handguns. What I do fear is how handguns WILL end up in the wrong hands. Handguns are not the problem. It is our inability to keep handguns out of the hands of lunatics and petty thieves. Handguns will be bought and stored in dressers and on tables and not locked up in a safe, which means handguns will be stolen and will end up going missing. Strict measures are going to be put in place, with strict legislation. Yes, because we do such an amazing job in regulating things here. We cant even issue littering tickets, yet somehow we are expected to regulate handguns in the CNMI. If we are to allow handguns in the CNMI, then enact STRICT LEGISLATION that severely penalizes handgun owners. If your handgun gets stolen or goes missing, you are DONE. No more handgun for you. If your handgun that got stolen is used in the commission of a crime, then you should be penalized as well. How about enacting laws that state that if you are to buy and own a handgun, you must also buy a heavy duty safe that is bolted to the floor and nearly impossible to break in to??? How about having the handgun owner undergo rigorous tests, from drug tests to psychological tests, as well as a thorough background check (and no, I am not talking about the local police court background check, but an FBI background check). For everyone pushing for handguns in the CNMI so you can feel protected, I suggest you think twice and be careful what you ask for. Expect more shootings. Expect more blood. Handguns just do not make sense. Not today. Not tomorrow. Not ever. Your right to protect yourself should not infringe on the safety of our community. Just my personal thoughts...
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 20:59:22 +0000

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