I do not think there is any other quality so essential to success - TopicsExpress


I do not think there is any other quality so essential to success of any kind as the quality of perseverance. It overcomes almost everything, even nature. There is a famous quote by Woody Allen that goes ninety percent of anything is just showing up. My older sister Alycia was talking to me about Ryan Seacrest about a decade ago and she was saying how he gave away his secret to success, and it was to just show up. People think that success takes intelligence or some magic formula it actually doesnt, success comes from perseverance. I am not going to ever tell you that life is easy; my experience so far has unquestionably had its challenges. I have been knocked around pretty good by life, but all the while I keep going, I keep fighting not wanting to let someone, something or some circumstance get the best of me. As long as my heart still beats I will keep persevering! When people talk about success they talk about finding the best strategies to get them there. Education tops peoples lists, so does having a powerful network and whats fascinating is perseverance rarely makes anyones list. Yet what the people who have made it to the top say over and over again is perseverance. Could there be a more level playing field than that? Everyone has the ability to cultivate perseverance! I know why I cultivate perseverance and its because I know I am more than any problem put in front of me. I may not solve it right away, but I will find a way to overcome it. What is your reason for persevering? What do you need to believe to persevere? You must find a reason to persevere because it is an essential lesson to learn in order to achieve success. There is no doubt that you can persevere you just need to figure out why for yourself.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 20:19:01 +0000

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