I dont know how much I can stress that to everyone. I see my - TopicsExpress


I dont know how much I can stress that to everyone. I see my friends, exes, family even, so many people all around who look to find happiness within a relationship, or a better job, or a better this, or a better that, but never look within. If you project your happiness onto another person not only is that an unfair burden on them that sets them up to fail and disappoint, its also denying yourself the personal power and responsibility that you have the choice to be happy. Its not someone elses job. If youre not happy with yourself, by yourself no one else is ever going to be able to do it for you, especially on a long-term basis. Relationships are where you go to give, to work and be a partner, not to take and project all your childhood wounds onto or expectations of being happy and loved wholly. Heal yourself first. Relationships arent for the selfish. And a job, perfect house, or car, those are all materialistic things. Really? If your happiness is reliant on those things you are missing the mark by so much. Those can all be taken away and are subject to change. No wonder youre not happy. Youll always be seeking and waiting and expecting and disappointing and being disappointed. End the cycle now. Happiness is an inside job, a conscious choice and effort, in spite of circumstances and the material things. Yep. And until you figure that out maybe steer clear of relationships because all you will do is end up hurting yourself more and also hurting someone else in the process when all they did was try to love you when you havent even figure out how to love yourself yet. ~Lady Guin )O(
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 21:52:10 +0000

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