I dont recall who posted this, (Pistol or Larry?) but it contains - TopicsExpress


I dont recall who posted this, (Pistol or Larry?) but it contains good info on water filters and filtration, distillation, RO, activated alumina filter, UV radiation, catalytic conversion, gravity filters, structured water, countertop, whole house, faucet & shower head filters...I saved it as a text file and here it is. Water Filters And Filtration Systems Explained — Remove Fluoride, Arsenic, Dangerous Bacteria Heavy Metals From Your Water Supply Posted by JB Bardot Fluoridated water has become a major health concern in the US as over 70% of the water supply now has fluoride added to it. Hailed as a wonder substance that prevents tooth decay, fluoride is actually a toxic chemical that has been linked to arthritis, endocrine disruption, kidney disease, skeletal fluorosis, diabetes, cancer and severe cognitive dysfunction. Along with fluoride, tap water also contains a wide range of viruses, bacteria, toxic heavy metals, chlorine and sediment that all finds its way into the body through washing fruits and vegetables, taking baths and showers, cooking and drinking. A water filtration system or countertop filter supplies uncontaminated water and removes most of the harmful microbes and chemicals from the water supply; however, it is important to know exactly what each model is capable of doing. Some remove the vast majority of fluoride from the water whereas others can only clean it of microbes, heavy metals and sediment. It is also wise to take into account the long-term cost of installing a filtration system in the home versus using a high quality gravity filter, and if your system will still be operational if the grid goes down. Why Is Fluoride Added To The Water Supply? ””Do you realize that fluoridation is the most monstrously conceived and dangerous Communist plot we have ever had to face?” – A quote from Stanley Kubrick’s 1964 film Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb The US government began adding fluoride to the public water supply as early as the 1940s after a series of studies performed during the 30s suggested that ingesting small amounts of fluoride could prevent tooth decay. One of the most famous studies was carried out in 1939 by Gerald J. Cox who recommended water fluoridation after observing its effects on laboratory rats. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has stood by this outdated theory despite newer trials such as a 2009 study performed at the Department of Preventive & Community Dentistry at the University of Iowa proving that there is no link between tooth decay and fluoride exposure and found the theory to be ‘problematic’. As well as being linked to a wide number of health problems, mass medication of the US population with fluoride is considered by many to be a method of ‘dumbing down’ the people to make them more docile and easily manipulated. A study performed in China in 2012 found that children living in high-fluoride areas had significantly lower IQs than those in areas with little or no fluoride added, and that long-term exposure to fluoride inhibited their neurodevelopment. Water Filtration Vs Water Distillation Water filtration involves passing water through a membrane such as a carbon filter in order to remove impurities. It is perhaps the quickest and easiest way to get clean water, but some methods are far more effective than others. Water distillation involves boiling water inside a still. The water will evaporate upwards into a glass tube that funnels the vapor down into another pot where it cools and reverts back to liquid. Bacteria, sediment and other impurities are left behind in the boiling pot. This method ensures extremely pure water and even removes fluoride. Distilling apparatuses are not easily transported but can be operated without electricity. It is important to remember that fluoride can be removed by distilling water, but not simply boiling it. Reverse Osmosis Reverse osmosis is a common method of water purification that is regularly used on seawater to remove salt and other impurities. During normal osmosis, water will naturally move through a semipermeable membrane from an area of low water molecule concentration to an area of high concentration. Reverse osmosis uses pressure to reverse the process and the water through the semipermeable membrane into a low concentration area leaving chemicals and other impurities on the other side of the membrane. Reverse osmosis systems are available as under the sink filters and can run from $50 to $500 depending on the brand. A good system can remove fluoride, chloride, radioactive particles and microbes from your water supply. They can even be modified to allow you to transport them as demonstrated in this video: youtube/watch?v=XPdzLJWb4R8. Berkey and ProPur are both considered to be reliable brands for removing fluoride. Activated Alumina Defluoridation Filter Activated alumina filters remove fluoride, arsenic, herbicides, pesticides and many other impurities from water. These filtration systems also fit under the sink and filter the water through an activated alumina barrier to remove toxins. The system can be used with bone char filters that are also recommended by the EPA. The downside of using these systems is that the filters will need to be replaced every 6 – 12 months and the manufacturers recommend that you do not use them with a high volume of water. Ultraviolet Radiation Purification Treating water using an ultraviolet radiation purification system is a low-cost way to kill germs, bacteria and viruses in your water supply. Once installed, the system requires little to no maintenance and uses only a minimal amount of power. Ultraviolet light is concentrated on microbes in the water and instantly kills them rendering them harmless. UV water treatment does not remove fluoride or other chemicals from your water supply, but it can be used in combination with reverse osmosis systems. However, it is incredibly useful in survival situations where access to clean water is limited. The SteriPEN Classic Safe Water Purification System is a transportable system that can be used to purify water in emergency situations when hiking or camping. Catalytic Conversion Filters Catalytic conversion water filters work in a similar method to those found on vehicles. They convert impurities such as viruses, microbes, chlorine, heavy metals and other contaminants into an oxidized form. This relatively new technology is mainly used in hard water areas that have a high level of salt, calcium and lime in the water supply. They do not remove chlorine or fluoride from the water, however, and can be expensive to install. Gravity Filters Gravity water filters consist of two chambers placed one on top of the other. Untreated water is poured into the top chamber and it then filters down through small holes containing filter elements or ‘candles’ that remove impurities from water. The British Berkefeld range of gravity filters are considered to be the best on the current market and can easily be transported. They use a combination of silver, diatomaceous earth and carbon in their filters to clean and purify water. Their stainless steel chambers last for a lifetime and the filter elements need changing once every 6 – 12 months depending how much water is filtered. The British Berkefelds remove cysts, bacteria, viruses and heavy metals. They do not require any type of power or plumbing so are ideal for when the grid goes down. Big Berkey gravity-fed water filtration systems are considered to be water ‘purification’ systems as they remove up to 99.999999% of bacteria from water. They also remove fluoride and other chemicals from water while leaving vital minerals untouched. Structured Water Structured water is based on a theory used in homeopathy that water has memory and carries the imprints of past contaminations even after they have been removed. Restructuring water is said to reorder the molecular structure of the water making it easier for the body’s cells to absorb it. Many people also claim that restructuring water removes contaminants, but there has not yet been any scientific research to backup this theory. Structured water devices can easily be purchased online but can be expensive like the Vitalizer Plus which sells for almost $600. Countertop filters Countertop water filters are perhaps the cheapest and easiest way to get clean water in your home or on the move. Some are even small enough to store in your fridge. Crystal Quest sell filters that can remove fluoride as well as over 200 other contaminates. Brita also make excellent countertop filters or you could even build your own using this video youtube/watch?v=ElVW6n2IbPw. Whole House Water Purification Systems To ensure that all the water in your house is free of fluoride and other toxic chemicals, a whole house water filtration system is the ideal solution. This will provide clean water for washing, cooking, brushing your teeth and even watering plants. Most devices are designed to filter your water supply before it reaches your home. You may need to install two separate devices, one for drinking water and one for the water used for your bathroom and utilities. These systems can be expensive, and usually require a trained plumber to install them. The Aquasana Rhino EQ-300R filter system can be customized to fit your home and specific filtration needs and has the highest certified capacity of any whole house system. Faucet and Shower Head Filters For a quick and easy solution, faucet mounted filters fit easily onto your kitchen faucet or shower head. They can be installed quickly and easily with no plumbing experience required. Faucet mounted filters are also incredibly cheap, around $10 each, and filter out chlorine and other contaminates. Some stores even sell bath balls that hang over your faucet and filter the water as it runs through a copper and zinc filtration barrier. These filters are ideal for bathing and washing but as they do not remove fluoride, they are not really recommended for drinking water purification. Sources: waterproblems.net/hard-water.html microwaterman/Rhino_WholeHouse_Filter/Rhino_Wholehouse_water_filter-FAQ.htm naturalnews/030070_Big_Berkey_water_filter.html berkeywaterfilterinfo/ livescience/37123-fluoridation.html naturalnews/021990_structured_water_filters.html chemistry.about/od/chemistryhowtoguide/a/removefluoride.htm livestrong/article/526876-filtered-water-vs-distilled-water/ water-filter-systems-review.toptenreviews/aquasana-water-filter-review.html wikihow/Choose-a-Home-Water-Filter https://freedrinkingwater/whole-house/water-filter-knowledge-base/different-water-filtration-methods.htm vanislewater/how-does-ultraviolet-water-treatment-work https://google.co.uk/shopping/product/2254863584913370468?q=uv+water+treatment+systems&hl=en&qscrl=1&rlz=1T4ADFA_enGB471GB471&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.65397613,d.bGE,pv.xjs.s.en_US.Cf9mlb6I5DA.O&ion=2&biw=1438&bih=620&tch=1&ech=1&psi=Vw5ZU_q4E8aC4gThyYAw.1398345304154.7&ei=mA5ZU6StF9Gp7AaT2YCYAQ&ved=0CPQBEKYrMAw ebay/gds/What-are-the-Different-Types-of-Water-Purification-Systems-/10000000177627495/g.html ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19054310 ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3491930/ jdr.sagepub/content/18/6/481.full.pdf+html ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heres a interesting topic - On you tube, search for Dr. Richard Alan Miller and his discussion on buckyballs (graphene, fulgerite, carbon 50, all different names for the same thing). I liked the John B. Wells, Caravan To Midnight interview. Basically, the Fullerene forms something that looks kind of like a soccer ball. If you put water inside, it changes the elemental structure of the water. Miller relates some tests done on Rats that were given a lethal dose of radiation. The rats given Fullerene water, which is nano-sized, surround and attach to the radiation, and carry it right out of the body!!! And they had a 95% survival rate!! A great interview to hear, and another quality one is Eustace Mullin - Who are the Quacks? also on you tube. The fluoride comments start approx. 29 minutes into Mullins presentation. Whew, I have blisters on my fingers!! (thanks john lennon) Have fun, yall ! And search for the web page for Pelican filtration whole house filtration systems. One that I looked at was priced at ~$1300.00-$1400.00 federal reserve notes. I dont know if their product is effective, but I offer it for your due dilligence.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 02:51:15 +0000

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