I employed 316, did more as N’Delta minister — - TopicsExpress


I employed 316, did more as N’Delta minister — Orubebe Immediate past Niger Delta Affairs Minister, Elder Godsday Orubebe, said his employment of 316 graduates of the region into the ministry as well as the substantial progress made in the execution of the East West road among other achievements while in office should leave no one in doubt over his commitment to public service. Orubebe who has resigned his ministerial responsibility to challenge for 2015 governorship in Delta State was highlighting his ministerial scorecard to Delta Ijaws who hosted him in Warri. “East West Road was awarded in 2006, but it was not implemented until I became minister in 2010. Since then we have made progress, out of the forty two bridges in the road design, thirty two have been completed and out of the one thousand and forty culverts, eight hundred and forty have equally been completed. I resigned from the Federal Executive Council to help advance the frontiers of development in Delta. Receiving the governorship hopeful, Pere of Akugbene, Kalama II, said the Ijaw nation is proud that Orubebe performed creditably in the ministerial offices he held and that the people are obliged to welcome him home and continue to stand by him as he opens a new chapter to govern Delta State. “You have given good account of yourself, and the Ijaw nation is proud of your achievement. We thank God for his favour upon you and we will continue to give you all the support because the greater credit goes to the Ijaw nation,” he said. Overwhelmed by the huge reception, Godsday said, “It is unprecedented for anyone to return from public service and be so honoured. This is good omen for my race for the governorship of Delta which I am, God willing, contesting to win.”
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 23:47:58 +0000

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