I feel I owe a lot of you a huge apology. In my recent video From - TopicsExpress


I feel I owe a lot of you a huge apology. In my recent video From Personal Experience | Time To Change I invited my viewers who were struggling with personal issues to message me and said Id try to reply to as many of you as possible. Since that video was uploaded I have received hundreds of messages from lots of lovely people. At first, I was very happy and flattered that so many of you felt you could talk to me about such personal things and I was determined to read every word of every message and give decent replies. But unfortunately this task caught up on me and after a short while I found it all a bit too overwhelming and gradually stopped replying to messages. On top of feeling totally overwhelmed Ive also been very busy and have been trying to deal with my own personal issues, so everything just became a bit too much. So Im writing this post to tell anyone who has messaged me and hasnt received a reply that I am so so sorry and than unfortunately I cannot guarantee you will all get a reply from me. I hope you all understand and dont hate me too much. Life kind of took over. I love you all and hope youre doing well. Hopefully I can try and help in other ways, like making more silly videos to make you smile. Much love, Jenny x
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 22:22:29 +0000

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