I found the quote below by Nancy Leigh DeMoss on Twitter tonight, - TopicsExpress


I found the quote below by Nancy Leigh DeMoss on Twitter tonight, and it reminded me of a conversation with a sweet friend today. I had gotten my panties all in a wad (sorry to any of my male friends) over something small, and my friend reminded me that our journeys are lived out in front of others. I so want my journey to count - not just for me, but also for those that come behind me and beside me. Heres Nancys quote: By faith Isaac invoked future blessings on Jacob and Esau (Heb 11:20). What blessings will the next generation receive from my/your faith? This also reminded me of the song For Future Generations. Theres a link below to it since I know you will want to hear it. 😉 Imagine yourself in a purple RAV-4 (yes, I did say purple) driving around with this song blaring. Then think about the lyrics. Our lives are to be lived out in such a way that we point people to OUR HOPE; our journeys are for future generations. Will you pray with me that I live my journey well - and that I will not let my undergarments get all waded up over unimportant stuff? ☺️ And just one more thing - the part about not bending and not breaking has absolutely nothing to do with trying to be good enough by keeping tons of rules. It does have a bunch to do with believing Gods Word, though - and obeying it -because we believe it to be true - even when we live in a world that shouts to us otherwise.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 05:37:47 +0000

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