I had an amazing day....each one is more freeing than the - TopicsExpress


I had an amazing day....each one is more freeing than the last...when you go through things on any level...you are making room for other things to manifest..I have been cleaning on all levels....and wow....the burdens are lifting, the frustration is transmuting into peace and answers...I will be writing and sharing more about this in the next few days...please take my advice...DO NOT PROCRASTINATE...do not fight, do not run away...BE IN YOUR LIFE...NURTURE YOURSELF...let go of guilt, shame and fear....assume nothing,..find out the truth, listen and act on your inner guidance...we all have a direct link to Holy Spirit....The Great Comforter...to me she manifests as the divine feminine aspect of the Trinity...when I was a little girl, they were teaching us in Sunday school about the Trinity...and I said...remember I was 5...if all of them are men, how did anything get born...lol.....every moment of my life I know her, and feel at one with Holy Spirit...I have no Spirit guides..that always surprises people. I can remember my birth and and where I was before...and my gifts of Holy Spirit are very integrated into my personality...I do not channel. I am at one with what I know, feel and share..ancient knowledge, in the moment dimensional knowing, feeling and seeing....healing energy is a constant part of me, and you and whatever I am doing. It is not separate...nothing is separate...there is only oneness...RE-MEMBER it is so important to be you....and to know and feel that so much of what that you may be perceiving as Angels, guides, messages...are all really part of the higher part of your consciousness..your Pilot Self...the awakening that is occurring is real....let go of the illusion of separation. of things being outside of yourself....expand out of the reptilian brain stem, that wants you to fight or run away...that sees things in duality...the left brain and right brain....except the eye be single, you cant enter the Kingdom...a house divided cannot stand....feel, and know and see the higher way to live and manifest from....it is all about ACTUALIZING YOUR LIFE, YOUR TALENTS, YOUR DREAMS...ACTUALIZING UNCONDITIONAL LOVE IS THE KEY TO HEALING FEAR.... I am telling you feel the duality, but get off of the ride....there is no need for drama,trauma...pain, suffering or being a victim...or hurting others...spiral up into the oneness....
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 08:06:26 +0000

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