I happened to come across a semi recent STAR mag. article that - TopicsExpress


I happened to come across a semi recent STAR mag. article that almost split my gut about Gwen Stephani! Actually called her thePrincess of PUNK!! Actually have met her......wayyyy back, before the make Up ads, the Platinum blond hair! See....when I met her...she had long...dirty blond hair( she was young...loved music & her base player). In Vegas, at the Huntridge theater. I think The Mud sharks...great group of guys whom Gwen cant even remember....cause she was all about BRADLEY NOEL!! Friends band played as well...met her, and bassist boy toy at time. Now....the Trend setting Cosmo... People mags praise her as a PUNK PRINCESS!! LOAO!! Shes an admitted Pop sell out!! Even OLD FRIENDS...question her heart for her Lack of original style??? All I have to say is DO NOT CALL HER A PUNK ANYTHING... and this was a quote from a TRUE TO HEART..NON SELL OUT...KNEW BRADLEY YEARS BEFORE YOU USED HIS NAME....AND HE WOULD BE DISAPPOINTED & You know it REMEMBER THE SLITS, AGAINST ME, THE DISTILLERS,.BIKINI KILL??! Dont confuse yourself with TRUE PUNK Gwen . Look at THE FABULOUS DISASTERS. You were NEVER punk! You were a young dame cought up in your brothers garage ska band....and had/have a great..original set of pipes(voice)...but youNEVER HAVE BEEN..OR WILL BE Laura Jane Grace, Brady Daly,Party Smith, Kathleen Hanna, Joan Jetty/ Cherie Currie, Kathy Wilcox,....need we go on?? My damez loved jammin...but even Brad wouldnt call you a Punk Princess ! Honesty hun..ya never were Punk. You even said so!! But hey, any way to make a buck....teach those beautiful babes the same.....cause being fake is ok as long as you can buy your kids the best rice cakes and you dont have to remember the young... naive girl the ones whom knew you before you sold out to fame, beauty products, style, unfaithful English grunge(lol) hubby. Look at your band. How much has fame altered them....then look in the mirror PRINCESS! You ALWAYZ were a bit of a princess...just dont EVER call yourself PUNK. You wouldnt even agree with that in tha day tootz!!
Posted on: Thu, 15 May 2014 05:26:25 +0000

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