I have actual physical evidence for my colonialism & language - TopicsExpress


I have actual physical evidence for my colonialism & language thesis (not sure if it is actually a proper thesis or not): So. When Turkish/Arabic kids mix the languages, this is seen as a failing on their part, an intellectual failure, a really sad thing to happen AND an affront to German society/Leitkultur. Everyone tells that story about the Turkish teenager who went to the market in Istanbul/Anatolia and tried to buy a Kopfsalat in the same tone of voice that they talk about American journos getting beheaded by Isis just about. And they say These kids dont even know what the proper German or Turkish words are anymore. But (here comes the actual physical evidence) last year I was in Rostock with Jakob Hein and I said to him: In East-Times you never said auschecken for checking out, what did you say? And he said: We did, we said auschecken... And then he said: No, we didnt, we couldnt have done. And then he asked the girls at the reception what people said and they couldnt remember anymore, well, one, who was too young to remember, swore on her life that people had always said auschecken but the other one said she couldnt remember. In the end Jakob said he thought people just said abreisen or abmelden. But nobody really worries about these American words getting mixed up with German words, do they? I know theres that Bastian Sick letter, so they do worry a little bit, but they dont worry in the same way. Theyre not panicking about it. There. Actual physical evidence.
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 07:18:26 +0000

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