I have taken note of the many comments that have come forth on my - TopicsExpress


I have taken note of the many comments that have come forth on my last few previous posts. I must thank all commentators for taking interest and saying something. I am sorry if I have chosen not to comment on their posts individually. I am making this post to comment on these comments as a group or as a whole. I feel the problem with most modern Marxists and critics of Marxism is they have forgotten something very fundamental. Let me remind them that as a Marxist the most important thing to me is the dictum or you may call it mission, vision, goal, or objective is changing the world, not just interpreting it in high funda, esoteric intellectual ways. Let me share this oft quoted quote once again to remind my friends of the tasks ahead: “The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it. [These words are also inscribed upon his grave] ― Karl Marx, Eleven Theses on Feuerbach. Why do we need to change this world? Again let me remind my friends that in this world more than 30 percent of the people live in abject poverty. More than 70 percent of the people are constantly struggling to survive. More than 80 percent of the people own only 20 percent of the worlds assets. And in reality 99 percent of the people are ruled by 1 percent. This has many implications: massive child malnutrition, rampant lack of education and health care for a very large section of the worlds people, large sections of the people being constantly displaced from their home and hearth in the name of development, massive digital divide, massive and extensive deprivation for most people on Planet Earth and a very real threat about the very existence of human beings as a species in the near future, in about less than half a century, due to climate change and environmental destruction. I can expound on these problems further. I can refer to Millenium Development Goals endorsed by the United Nations. I can refer to many documents and many research studies on these problems by various global agencies. We just need to change this world, not to keep arguing about how to interpret this world. I would welcome views on how to change this world, not how to interpret it. I am really tired of interpretation. I want change. If you have any practical ideas about how to change this world, you are most welcome. If you have only esoteric, intellectual thoughts and arguments about Dialectical Materialism, Marxism, etc. I have only total contempt for you and your egos. This timeline is not for people with bloated egos but only for those activists who want change. Real change. Your views are welcome. Those who dont want change but just want to expound their intellectual prowess can stick to their timelines. No issues.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 15:57:32 +0000

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