I have to get it off my chest. You all know me. I have friends - TopicsExpress


I have to get it off my chest. You all know me. I have friends from all over the world of every creed, race, and ethnicity. I have worked and lived in some of the finest places and some that would be considered trash. This said I am tired of excuses from the black community. When my Dad lived in Brooklyn in middle income housing growing up in the fifties they had nothing. my grandfather was a truck driver and barely squeezed by. If it was not for my grandmother taking and hiding money for bills they would never have got by. My mother is first generation American. Both of her parents, my grandparents were holocaust survivors and were in Nazi labor camps and death camps for almost fifteen years of there life. So if you didnt know where i came from now you know. That being said, The black community needs to stop blaming other people. This is the story from a black man that my father grew up with in Brooklyn, his words, When I lived there with the Jews as my neighbor the neighborhood was nice, then the Italians that were my neighbors, the neighborhood was still nice. Then they moved out and the blacks moved in. Then i moved out because it went to shit.:. Now again excuse my generalization when i talk about this sensitive subject because there are a vast amount of exceptions to my plea. This same story that happened to my father and his friend Leo in Brooklyn, has happened to such cities in CT in the same order as Waterbury, Bridgeport, New Haven, Waterbury, East Hartford, Hartford, Groton, and those are just the cities i know of in CT and throughout the US there are countless other cities that the same thing has happened to. I live in cheshire ct. Were there is little to no crime. We had one murder in the three hundred years our town has been incorporated. We never have and probably never will have this issue. There for the people that live in that town its not there issue to worry about black people in the inner city and helping them. Why not? because no matter what race the person from cheshire is they live in cheshire not the inner cities. So help is not going to come from towns like cheshire. Inner city business owners are struggling to stay open so help is not going to come from there. And special interest group in cities are well worried about there special interest so help is not going to come from there. So were is help going to come from? The answer is this Floyd (my father) do you want to be a truck driver like your father? no. then work hard and go to college., grandma Miriam. There is a big misconception and if it has become true just plain wrong opinion of college that is so that you can get a job. Thats not the point. THe point is to learn and not be stupid. I recently talked to a professor at UNH and asked him hey how are your kids this year. He responded they are really stupid. This makes me ask why? Teachers are still teaching the same thing for at least the last 20 years now so why are they getting stupider. There are two answers i can come up with out of every option. One there is no one at home pushing the importance of education and making it mandatory and two using technology wrong. If you live in a society that doesnt have repercussions for lack of education, you fall. African Americans feel federal gvt owes the people and they feel they have the right to take advantage of it because they were enslaved for three hundred years. With that same logic the Jews should never have to work a day in their life and everything should be provided by the German gvt for almost exterminating a whole people. Mind you that was 60 years ago and slavery ended 150 years ago. Never mind the fifty years of affirmative action as well that the Johnson administration put into affect. The second point is technology. With so much information available to you there should be no excuse. With cell phones now you have a library literally in your hand. Can look up anything wikipedia has revolutionized information for just that reason. So that takes away all excuses. If you dont want to be taught teach yourself. READ!!! Which is another thing that the younger generation particularly in the black community. Reading, being able to write and speak correctly have gone out the window. Why is this? Why would you want to stride for less than mediocre. The culture should stop putting itself down. Raise up out of the ashes no one is going to do it for you. Another example of this is prison culture. Because the majority of American prisons are predominately black there was a need to take that culture out of the prison and where baggy clothing. Did the Jews come out of the holocaust only where black and white stripes and a yellow Jewish star on our backs no because we wanted rise above it. There has been nine african american Nobel peace prize winners ever. There have been 12 Pulitzer winners. Americans of Indian decent have more than that and they were just first nominated 15 years ago. The reason I am writing this is because of the recent incident at cudetta where 500 hundred black teens showed up outside and started brawling. Which triggered a memory for me when i had guest here from Boston and we were walking downtown and from the project by the train station on a Friday night hundreds of teens started walking the streets beating up people, men and women of all age and nationality. Beating on them. Randomly breaking windows on cars. To the point were the only thing the police could do was just block off the street and hope for the best. This is how you want to live and sink your children in the same hole as you . Please stop this blatant ignorance. Its not ok. It would not be accepted out of any culture. Me stating this is not attacking black Americans. Its not being racist its being real. Clean up your communities and stop killing each other and lets see how thing go. I guarantee things will change. well we dont have the resources to do it. one might say. And the answer to that is if you do not have the ability to instill in your children good values and be there to be good parents and make sure your kids do what they are supposed to do then you shouldnt have kids and definitely not five. This is the thought process that every human should consider when having children. Education Education Education. Want to not go to jail? educate yourself. Want to have a good family life? Educate yourself. Want to have a good job? Educate yourself. Want to not be the number one ethnicity for heart disease? Educate yourself. Want to clean up your neighborhoods and care about something so that neighborhoods dont look like trash? Educate yourself. Want to not be ignorant? Educate yourself. Want to be progressive in music, fashion, and the arts? Educate yourself. Again my intention is not to offend anyone and if i worded something wrong i also apologize. But this needs to be said and i hope leaders in the black community look inward to fix problems and not outward. Please only comment if you have something beneficial to add. I already know history.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 18:52:28 +0000

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