I have wondered for a long time why Republicans hate the Post - TopicsExpress


I have wondered for a long time why Republicans hate the Post Office . The Vast majority of the public are against closing Post Offices , or doing away with Saturday delivery . The Post Office receives no tax money . The only reason the Post Office is loosing money is Republicans passed a law to require the Post Office to fund there pension fund for people that are not even born yet , let alone work at the Post Office . Just a week or so ago , Republicans attached an amendment on a bill to fund the Federal Highway repair fund by insisting that the Post Office end Saturday Delivery. They claim they are all for Veterans , but fail to grasp most of the Post Office Employees are Veterans . That ends that argument . They want to Abolish the IRS . I spoke with my Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers this spring when she said we need to abolish the IRS . I asked her , if Congress wrote tax law and she agreed that they did . Then it goes to the Senate and if passed it goes to the President to sign into law . She agreed that was the process for Tax Law. Then the President sends it to the IRS to enforce, she again agreed that was the process. So then I asked her why she wanted to abolish the IRS, because they were enforcing the tax law that Congress passed . She said yes but , tax law is so complicated that no one can figure it out . I told her fixing that problem was easy . Quit letting Corporations write tax law that Congress passes as it own . I explained that most tax law was pretty clear for the average American , it was only the tax law for corporations that was complicated because Corporations had there tax experts write the law and purposely made it hard to understand . I guess they big answer is the Republicans want to end Big Government , and give it all to the Rich and Corporations and Privatize the Government .
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 15:15:00 +0000

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